SciencePG: Fast Publication

Science Publishing Group is an independent international publisher of 100+ open access, online, peer-reviewed journals which have almost 10 proposed special issues and 10 going-to-be-published books, covering a wide range of academic disciplines.

Nowadays, we are actively providing a fast publication:
1. Authors can get the review result that whether the paper can be published or not within 15 days;
2. Accepted papers can be published within 25 days.

SciencePG publish papers in a wide range of categories, such as: Biology and Life Sciences, Physics; Chemistry & Materials; Computer Science & Communications; Mathematics & Statistics; Medicine, Health & Food Science; Energy & Environmental Science and all other categories. You can pay visit to our website to have a look:

If you are interested in publishing your papers within a short time, we sincerely invite you to submit your papers through our system:

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