Archive for July 4th, 2017

IEEE 2017 LA-CCI (4rd Latin-American Conference on Computational Intelligence), Peru – Arequipa (nearby Machu Picchu) *** Extended-deadline: July, 10th

You may have received recently, the Third CFP from LA-CCI. The paper submissions  are coming, but we would like to increase the volume and the quality of them in this last week (so far). Hence, I would like to ask you to help us with the announcement of the  4rd edition of this nice conference of ours. For […]

TIE 2017, EAI International Conference on Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Education

TIE 2017 September 11-12 | Canterbury, Great Britain  The central theme of TIE 2017 is creativity and innovation, especially in relation to technology, business, education, social and political needs that make modern society flourish. The purpose of this conference is to gather a cross-disciplinary audience to initiate debate and share knowledge.  Find out more about topics, posters and worshops.  Why submit your […]

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