54 JAIIO – NUEVA Fecha limite envio de resumenes


54 Jornadas Argentinas de Informática (JAIIO)
Llamado a presentación de trabajos


Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, 4 al 7 de agosto de 2025

SADIO – Sociedad Argentina de Informática
Departamento de Computación de FCEN – UBA
ICC – Instituto de Ciencias de la Computación (FCEN – UBA – CONICET)



¡Nueva fecha límite para el envío de resumenes 31 de Marzo de 2025!

Envío de trabajos a https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/54JAIIO2025

Consulte en cada simposio el detalle del llamado para la presentación de trabajos.
Esperamos su participación!!!

Solicitamos su colaboración para difundirlo dentro de su comunidad.

Chairs Generales:
– María Elena Buemi – DC-FCEN-UBA; ICC-UBA/CONICET

– Pablo Turjanski – DC-FCEN-UBA; ICC-UBA/CONICET


21 de Marzo 2025: 31 de Marzo 2025: Cierre de Recepción de Resúmenes (solo es necesario un resumen o “abstract” de hasta 500 palabras del trabajo que enviará al Simposio elegido)

31 de Marzo 2025: Cierre de Recepción de Trabajos (solo podrán enviarse los trabajos cuyos resúmenes hayan sido enviados en la semana previa)

30 de Mayo 2025: Notificación de Trabajos Aceptados

30 de Junio 2025: Fecha límite de Recepción de Trabajos “Camera Ready”


Las JAIIOs se organizan como un conjunto de simposios, de uno o dos días de duración, cada uno dedicado a un tema específico.

ASAID – Simposio Argentino de Inteligencia Artificial y Ciencia de Datos
Maximiliano Budán – Univ. Nac. del Sur – Univ. Nac. de Santiago del Estero – CONICET
Viviana Cotik – DC – FCEyN UBA / ICC-Conicet
Melisa Escañuela – Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero / CONICET
Gustavo Guaragna – Snoop Consulting

ASQC – Argentinean Symposium on Quantum Computing
Federico Holik – Instituto de Física La Plata | CONICET
Luis Mariano Bibbo – Universidad Nacional de La Plata


ASSE – Simposio Argentino de Ingeniería de Software
Carlos Lopez Pombo – Universidad Nacional de Río Negro – CONICET
Pablo Ponzio – Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto – CONICET


CAI – Congreso Argentino de AgroInformática
Flavio Capraro – Instituto de Automática (UNSJ – CONICET)

Darío Recalde – INTA UNDEC

CAIS – Congreso Argentino de Informática y Salud
Pedro Pablo Escobar – UNICEN, UNOPS
Alejandro Albornoz – Ministerio de Salud – CABA

Martín Díaz Maffini – Sanatorio Las Lomas
Alejandro Viegas Palermo – Universidad Austral


EST – Concurso de Trabajos Estudiantiles
Ezequiel Pecker Marcosig – ICC – FCEN – UBA/FIUBA – UBA
Nicolás Álvarez – ICC – FCEN – UBA
Pablo Negri – ICC – FCEN – UBA


IETF Day – Taller del Grupo de Trabajo de Ingeniería de Internet/Argentina
Gustavo Mercado – UTN FRM
Marcela Orbiscay – IANIGLA – CONICET – Mendoza
Ignacio Alvarez-Hamelin – FIUBA


JUI – Jornadas de Vinculación Universidad – Industria
Ricardo Medel – Fundación Sadosky
Rosita Wachenchauzer – FI – UBA


SACS – Simposio Argentino de Ciberseguridad
Gladys Martínez – Fuerza Aérea
Lia Molinari – UNLP
Gerardo Simari – UNS
Rubén Darío Aybar – ARCA – ICFFAA – UBA – UNSO – UCASAL – FIE


SAEI – Simposio Argentino de Educación en Informática
Claudia Queiruga – LINTI – UNLP
Natalia  Colussi – FCEIA – UNR


SAHTI – Simposio Argentino de Historia, Tecnologías e Informática
Karina Bianculli – CEHIS, UNMdP
Bruno Massare – UNSaM
Nicolás Wolowick – FaMAF – UNC


SAIC – Simposio Argentino en Ingeniería en Computación
Alejandro Oliveros – UNTREF
Karina Cenci – UNS
Gabriel Valenzuela – UNC – FCEFyN


SAIV – Simposio Argentino de Imágenes y Visión
Daniel Acevedo – DC – FCEyN UBA, CONICET
Claudio Delrieux – CONICET, UNS
Juliana Gambini – UNAHUR


SIDS – Simposio Argentino de Informatica, Derecho y Sociedad
Ariel Vercelli – INHUS – CONICET
Wilma Arellano Toledo – UCM y OdiseIA, España
Pablo D'Amico – ABGRA


SIE – Simposio de Informática en el Estado
Sandra D Agostino – UNLP
Marcelo Daniel Petroff – UNRN
Elsa Estévez – UNS


SIIIO – Simposio Argentino de Informática Industrial e Investigación Operativa
Mariano Frutos – UNS/CONICET
Mariana Coccola – UTN – FRCU – CONICET
Diego Rossit – UNS – CONICET
Silvia  A. Ramos – UBA


SIMS – Simposio de Modelado y Simulación
Ernesto Kofman – CIFASIS (CONICET – UNR) y FCEIA (UNR)
Rodrigo Castro – ICC (CONICET – UBA) y DC – FCEyN (UBA)
María Julia Blas – INGAR (CONICET – UTN) y UTN – FRSF

Para más información: https://54jaiio.sadio.org.ar/

poster 54 JAIIO

37th IFIP International Conference on Testing Software and Systems (ICTSS 2025): Fourth Call for Papers

*** Fourth Call for Papers ***

37th IFIP International Conference on Testing Software and Systems (ICTSS 2025)

September 17-19, 2025, 5* St. Raphael Resort and Marina, Limassol, Cyprus

(*** Proceedings to be published by Springer in LNCS ***)
(*** Special Journal Issue with SN Computer Science, Springer ***)
IFIP-ICTSS is a well-established conference where researchers, developers, testers, and users
from industry get together to present and discuss the most recent innovations, experiences
and open challenges related to testing software and systems and measuring software quality.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

■ AI for Software Testing and Testing of AI: the growing interest in the use of AI has also
spread in to various aspects of software testing. In addition, work is underway to test and
validate AI systems/applications (machine learning, expert systems, neural networks).

Aspects of testing: test derivation, test selection, test generation, test coverage, test
concretization, test implementation and execution, test result analysis, test oracle, verdict
computation, test management, active testing and passive testing, monitoring and runtime

Testing new technologies: this year we encourage submissions focused on testing Large
Language Models (LLMs), audit machine learning systems (especially for applications to Health)
and Quantum systems (programs, computers, and simulators).

Diversity on testing: diverse generation, selecting diverse test suites, foundations of testing
and diversity, applications of entropy and Kolmogorov complexity on test suite diversity.

Theoretical approaches: formalisms (such as automata, state machines, process algebra,
logics, Markov-chains…), testing frameworks, results for compositionality, refinement,
soundness and completeness, addressing complex systems, heterogeneous or hybrid systems.

Modelling languages (such as UML, MATLAB, Simulink, Modelica…) and associated
tooling for model-based testing: test generation from models, model-based oracles.
Scalability, traceability, quantification issues. Automated support of any parts of the testing
activities, testing processes, test-driven development, sound metrics and measurements.

Testing of quality aspects: Functional, interoperability, unit, integration, performance, load,
conformance, non-regression, reliability, robustness.

Security Testing: methodologies and techniques for continuous security assessment, security
monitoring, security review, penetration testing, verification of certification compliance;
automation of security testing processes.

Testing emerging technologies: quantum systems (programs, computers, and simulators),
genetic algorithms, metaverse, and any other technology in the early stages of testing.

Human Aspects of Testing: human psychology and management attitude play major roles
in formulating and adopting testing in practice.

Cross domains and combination of techniques: using other techniques such as proof,
model-checking, symbolic execution, abstract interpretation, static analysis, simulation,
model learning, … to improve quality and reduce the effort in testing processes.

Cross domains and combination of techniques: using other techniques such as proof,
model-checking, symbolic execution, abstract interpretation, static analysis, simulation, model
learning, machine learning, expert systems, neural networks, genetic algorithms… to improve
quality and reduce the effort in testing processes.

Application aspects and case studies: Communicating systems such as cyberphysical
systems, systems of systems, embedded systems, web services systems, smart grids, cloud
computing systems, business information systems, real-time systems, distributed and
concurrent systems. Case studies and industrial applications involving qualified empirical

Full papers (12 to 15 pages plus at most 2 extra pages for references in the one-column
Springer LNCS format) describing original research contributions with sufficient evidence for
the interest of the proposed approach.

Industry papers (12 to 15 pages plus at most 2 extra pages for references in the one-column
Springer LNCS format) describing original research or experience report conducted within an
industrial environment or in collaboration with an industry partner.

Short papers or work-in-progress papers (up to 6 pages plus at most 1 extra page for
references in the one-column Springer LNCS format) describing academic work in progress or
tool implementations, as well as testing processes, achievements and feedback on testing
methods for industrial case studies.

Journal-First. The aim of the Journal-First (JF) submission category is to further enrich the
program of ICTSS, as well as to provide an overall more flexible path to publication and
dissemination of original research that is within the scope of ICTSS. A submission in this
category must adhere to the following criteria:
It should be clearly within the scope of the conference.
It should be recent: it should have been accepted and made publicly available in a journal
(online or in print) by January 1, 2023 or more recently.
It has not been presented at, and is not under consideration for, Journal- First tracks of other
conferences or workshops.
The submission has to be in the form of a 4-page extended abstract and has to provide a
concise summary of the published journal paper.
It must be marked as such in the submission’s, and must explicitly include full bibliographic
details (including a DOI) of the journal publication they are based on. Since the referenced
journal papers have already been reviewed and accepted by the corresponding journals,
submissions in the JF category will not be reviewed again for technical content. Submissions will
be judged on the basis of the above criteria, but also considering how well they would
complement the conference’s technical program. Accepted submissions in this category will be
part of the proceedings of ICTSS 2025, with the title equal to the original title of the article with
the prefix.

The papers will be published by Springer in the LNCS volume.

Authors should consult Springer’s Instructions for Authors of Proceedings
and use either the LaTeX or the Word templates provided on the authors’ page. Springer’s
proceedings LaTeX templates are available in Overleaf.

Authors are encouraged to include their ORCIDs in their papers.
Journal Special Issue

Best papers of the conference will be invited to submit an extended version of their article at a
special (topical) issue of the Springer Nature of Computer Science
(https://link.springer.com/journal/42979). Deadline will be near the end of December 2025
with a tentative publication date for the middle 2026.

ICTSS 2025 will be collocated with the 19th European Conference on Software Architecture


Paper Submission: May 19, 2025 (AoE)
Author Notification: June 30, 2025 (AoE)
Camera-ready Versions and Author Registration: July 14, 2025 (AoE)

Conference Chairs
Silvia Bonfanti, University of Bergamo, Italy
George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus

CONVITE: Educação no Século XXI: Perspectivas Contemporâneas sobre Ensino-Aprendizagem

Para leer esta invitación en español, vea abajo

To read this invitation in English, please scroll down

Prezado(a) Autor(a),

A Editora Artemis tem o prazer de anunciar novas chamadas para o título “Educação no Século XXI: Perspectivas Contemporâneas sobre Ensino-Aprendizagem”, que será publicado em Abril-Maio, 2025.  Após avaliação por membros do nosso Conselho Editorial, temos o prazer de convidá-lo a participar dessa nova publicação, incorporando seu artigo intitulado “Modelo Automático de evaluación en experiencias STEAM” como capítulo do livro.

Formada por profissionais com vasta experiência no campo editorial, a Editora Artemis reconhece a importância das publicações científicas para o avanço acadêmico e profissional dos autores. Por esse motivo, trabalhamos para produzir obras de qualidade, desde a seleção e pré-avaliação dos artigos até a elaboração de um projeto visual atraente. Além disso, todos os nossos e-books são indexados no EduCAPES (https://educapes.capes.gov.br ) e todos os livros e cada capítulo são registrados com um DOI individual (o que garante links persistentes e diretos de acesso à sua pesquisa, tornando-a mais fácil de encontrar, citar, vincular e avaliar).

A Editora Artemis não comercializa nenhuma obra de conteúdo científico/acadêmico, todas as obras são publicadas no formato de Acesso Livre. O valor cobrado dos autores (R$405,00 reais, que podem ser pagos através do PayPal, PagSeguro ou PIX) visa a cobrir os importes com a publicação: obtenção de ficha catalográfica e indexadores, diagramação, arte, desenho gráfico, e demais custas editorias, como a manutenção da estrutura da editora, do sistema de submissões, do site, e dos servidores nos quais os artigos, metadados e livros ficam hospedados.

Aproveitamos a oportunidade para divulgar chamadas abertas para os seguintes títulos:

  • Ciência e Tecnologia para o Desenvolvimento Ambiental, Cultural e Socioeconômico VI
  • Educação e Ensino na Era da Informação IV
  • Humanidades e Ciências Sociais: Perspectivas Teóricas, Metodológicas e de Investigação X 

Para que possamos confirmar sua publicação, pedimos que nos envie um e-mail para publicar@editoraartemis.com.br preferivelmente até o dia 25 de março.

O prazo para submissão dos artigos em nossa plataforma é dia 5 de abril de 2025.




Estimado(a) Autor(a),

La Editora Artemis tiene el placer de anunciar nuevas convocatorias para el título Educação no Século XXI: Perspectivas Contemporâneas sobre Ensino-Aprendizagem, que será publicado en abril/mayo de 2025. Después de una evaluación por parte de miembros del Consejo Editorial, nos complace invitarlo a participar en esta publicación, incorporando su trabajo titulado “Modelo Automático de evaluación en experiencias STEAM” como un capítulo en el libro.

Formada por profesionales con amplia experiencia en el campo editorial (https://www.editoraartemis.com.br/corpo-editorial/), Editora Artemis reconoce la importancia de las publicaciones científicas para el avance académico y profesional de los autores. Por esta razón, trabajamos para producir trabajos de calidad, desde la selección de artículos hasta la elaboración de un proyecto visual atractivo.

Con la publicación, su artículo estará disponible online en nuestro website – todos nuestros libros están indexados en el EduCAPES ( https://educapes.capes.gov.br ) que está vinculado al CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico de Brasil).  Además, todos los libros y cada capítulo son registrados con un DOI individual (que garantiza enlaces persistentes y directos para acceder a su artículo, lo que facilita la búsqueda, cotización, y evaluación).

Los libros son de Acceso Abierto y el monto cobrado (R$ 405,00 reales por artículo, que se pueden pagar a través de Paypal) tiene como objetivo cubrir las importaciones con la publicación y otros costos editoriales.  Aprovechamos esta oportunidad para anunciar convocatorias abiertas para los siguientes títulos:

  • Ciência e Tecnologia para o Desenvolvimento Ambiental, Cultural e Socioeconômico
  • Educação e Ensino na Era da Informação IV
  • Humanidades e Ciências Sociais: Perspectivas Teóricas, Metodológicas e de Investigação X 

Para confirmar su participación, esperamos su respuesta por correo electrónico a publicar@editoraartemis.com.br  preferiblemente antes del 25 de marzo, 2025.

La fecha límite para enviar artículos en nuestra plataforma (https://editoraartemis.com.br/submissao ) es el 5 de abril de 2025.



Dear Author,

Editora Artemis announces open calls for the e-book “Educação no Século XXI: Perspectivas Contemporâneas sobre Ensino-Aprendizagem” (Education in the 21st Century: Contemporary Perspectives on Teaching and Learning)which will be published in April-May/2025. After evaluation by members our Editorial Board, we are pleased to invite you to participate in this publication, incorporating your work “Modelo Automático de evaluación en experiencias STEAM” as a chapter in the book.

Formed by professionals with extensive experience in the editorial field (https://www.editoraartemis.com.br/corpo-editorial/, Editora Artemis recognizes the importance of scientific publications for the academic and professional advancement of authors. For this reason, we work to produce quality works, from the selection of articles to the elaboration of an attractive visual project. In addition, all of our e-books are indexed with EduCAPES ( https://educapes.capes.gov.br ) and each one of the chapters are registered with an individual DOI (which guarantees persistent and direct links to access your research, making it easier to find, quote, link and evaluate).

Our books are Open Access and the amount paid by the authors (R$ 405.00 reais – equivalent to US$ 68 dollars – which can be paid through PayPal, Western Union or Bank Transfer) covers the costs of the publication: obtaining an index card, ISBN, DOIs, layout and graphic design, cover art and other editorial costs.

In order for us to confirm your participation, we ask that you send us an email to publicar@editoraartemis.com.br preferably by March 25th, 2025.

The deadline for submitting articles on our platform  is April 5th  2025.

We look forward to hearing from you!


Simposio Argentino de Computación Cuántica


   Comparto con ustedes el llamado a presentación de trabajos para el 1º Simposio Argentino de Computación Cuántica que se desarrolla en el marco de la JAIIO, con el apoyo del Grupo de Computación Cuántica del CLEI y la Red Iberoamericana para el Avance de la Ingeniería de Software Cuántico (RIPAISC)

Saludos cordiales,


Call for Participation: GOOSE 2D & 3D Semantic Segmentation (ICRA’25 Field Robotics Workshop)

We are calling for participation in two novel competitions for 2D & 3D Semantic Segmentation.

URLs: GOOSE_2D Semantic Segmentation Challenge | GOOSE 3D Semantic Segmentation Challenge

The focus of both competitions is to improve the Semantic Segmentation algorithms for mobile robotics in unstructured outdoor environments.
For this, the competitions combine the data collected for the GOOSE and GOOSE-Ex datasets.
This amounts to 15.000 annotated camera images and 15.000 annotated LiDAR point clouds across three different robotic platforms.

The competitions are hosted in conjunction with the Workshop on Field Robotics at ICRA 2025 in Atlanta on May 19, 2025.
Participants with novel approaches in either competition or field robotics deployments are encouraged to also submit a short paper as part of the workshop by March 16, 2025.
More info on the submission guidelines can be found on the Field Robotics workshop page.

Each competition also gives out a prize to the best-performing teams.
The current top prize is a 500€ voucher for the robotic online store MYBOTSHOP.

Relevant Dates:
End of Development Phase – April 15, 2025
End of Final Testing Phase – April 30, 2025
Winner Announcement & Poster Session – May 19, 2025 @ ICRA'25

For any questions regarding the competition, send an e-mail to 

The competition is organized by Raphael Hagmanns, Miguel Granero and Peter Mortimer

Thank you and best regards,
Peter Mortimer

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