IMPRECISE PROBABILITIES IN STATISTICS AND PHILOSOPHY LMU Munich 27-28 June 2014 Topics on which we might expect fruitful discussions include: * updating imprecise probabilities and dilation; * foundations of imprecise probabilities; * procedures for eliciting imprecise probabilities; * decision making with imprecise probabilities. We invite submissions of extended abstracts of 1500 words for contributed […]
Archive for January, 2014
CfP: Imprecise Probabilities in Statistics and Philosophy (LMU, 27-28 June 2014)

ISMIS’14 – Call for Papers

We invite you to submit a paper to ISMIS’14 International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems which will be held in Roskilde, Denmark, June 25-27, 2014. Please note that the paper submission deadline is February 3, 2014. The scope of ISMIS is intended to represent a wide range of topics on applying Artificial Intelligence techniques […]
IOSR Journal of Engineering

We are pleased to inform you that IOSR-JEN is going to launch its next issue (Volume 4, Issue 01, January 2014). We would like to invite you to contribute your Research Paper for publication in IOSR-JEN. Papers published in IOSR-JEN will receive very high publicity and acquire very high reputation. The journal covers all areas of computer science, Mechanical Engineering, […]
Special Call for the PhD Symposium at NAFIPS

Conference/ Symposium Theme: Norbert Wiener made contributions across several disciplines during his lifetime. Many of these were immediately relevant, and influenced theories and production during his day. Others were long-term, and only in recent years has it been possible to test their relevance. Some of the topics include but are not limited to: • Fuzzy […]
2014 zone 1 ASEE

The ASEE 2014 Zone 1 Conference is accepting Professional Papers, Student Papers and Student Posters. Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers or posters electronically through the Conference website at The Conference will also host panels, workshops, tutorials, industry exhibits, and will feature several prominent speakers. For more details about […]