Conference website Publication All accepted papers of AICE2014 will be published byConference Publishing Services (CPS) and submitted by CPS for EI and ISTP indexing.Excellent papers will be selected and published on SCI and EI journals. Fields covered Submission Contact +86-15802766401 Paper deadline February 28, 2014
Archive for February 19th, 2014
International workshop on “Knowledge Computing in the Health Informatics”,Greece

International workshop on “Knowledge Computing in the Health Informatics” The workshop will be held in the frame of the 18th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers (CSCC 2014), Santorini Island, Greece, July 17-21, 2014
AICT 2014 || July 20 – 24, 2014 – Paris, France

July 20 – 24, 2014 – Paris, France General page: Call for Papers: Submission page: Submission deadline: March 12, 2014 Sponsored by IARIA,
15th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR 2014) Vienna, Austria, July 17-19, 2014 Co-located with KR 2014 [], DL 2014 [], FLoC 2014, and Logic Colloquium 2014. NMR 2014 is part of the Vienna Summer of Logic

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY – ICEEPSY INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON CLINICAL & COUNSELLING PSYCHOLOGY – CPSYC Submit your abstract ICEEPSY 2014 KYRENIA – CYPRUS / October Submit your abstract CPSYC 2014 ANTALYA – TURKEY / December Early Registration Deadline: 15th March 2013 ICEEPSY 2013 Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences ELSEVIER CPSYC 2013 Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences ELSEVIER ICEEPSY & CPSYC 2013 European Journal of Social & Behavioural […]
RE: [NMR’14] Last CFP – 15th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning

15th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR 2014) Vienna, Austria, July 17-19, 2014 Co-located with KR 2014 [], DL 2014 [], FLoC 2014, and Logic Colloquium 2014. NMR 2014 is part of the Vienna Summer of Logic []