full papers for NAFIPS’2014

As we mentioned earlier, while the deadline for submitting full papers for NAFIPS’2014 — which this year is part of the general Wiener conference http://21stcenturywiener.org/ — was on March 14, 2014, we allowed some papers to be submitted late, until March 21 9and in a few cases, a few days later). The main conference website was open for submissions for a few days after the official deadline, but now it is closed.

If you are submitting a late paper today or (with our permission) a few days later, please send it by email to William Melek, Chair of NAFIPS’2014, at William.melek@uwaterloo.ca, and to Kathleen Ballos kathleen@ballos.com who is in charge of all the papers submitted for the big conference (and please send a copy to me). If you promised to send by March 21 and you need a few days let us know as soon as possible.

Extensions beyond March 24 are not realistically possible since we need to have all the papers refereed by April 7, so that we will be able to notify the authors on time.

Many thanks, and we hope to see all your papers in the next few days!

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