WELCOME TO INES 2014 IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems July 3-5, 2014 Tihany, Hungary LAKE BALATON http://www.ines-conf.org/ines-conf/2014.html Authors are welcome to submit original and unpublished papers and attend the 18th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems 2014 (INES 2014) to be held on July 3-5, 2014 in Tihany, Hungary. ” […]
Archive for March, 2014
WELCOME TO INES 2014: Tihany, Hungary, July 3-5, 2014, IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems

SAIT – Sociedad Argentina de Ingeniería de Tránsito

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GDN Grants for Papers on Korea’s Development Experience

The Global Development Network is inviting researchers from eligible developing countries to submit completed papers on this specific theme for theKOICA Development Research Award (KOICA Award). Please circulate this email to institutions, colleagues and friends working on development issues who you feel may be interested in winning this award. The KOICA Award will be given in several categories including […]
EPE2014 Conference Recommendation! Hong Kong. 2014

Conference information http://www.epe2014.org/ April 26-27, 2014 Hong Kong, China Papers or manuscripts needed Submit paper to epe2014@vip.163.com Submission due date March 28, 2014 Click to visit main fields Contact for more Mail to epe2014@vip.163.com Call +86-15271860713