30th April, deadline for XIII SEPLN Awards Eugenio Martínez CámaraSoftware Engineer / Computer ScientistTop Contributor http://www.sepln.org/news/xiii-edition-research-awards-of-sepln-in-nlp/?lang=en
Archive for April 26th, 2014
2nd CFP – VIII ALIO/EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization

VIII ALIO/EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization Montevideo, Uruguay, December 8-10, 2014 http://www.fing.edu.uy/en/alio-euro-2014 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The ALIO/EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization series is a triennial event jointly promoted by the Association of Latin-Iberoamerican Operational Research Societies (ALIO) and the Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO), both within the International Federation of Operational […]
Curso Presupuesto y Control de Gestión Para No Especiallistas

Curso: “Presupuesto y Control de Gestión Para No Especialistas” 19, 20, 26 y 27 de Mayo, de 18 a 22hs. Medias Becas Disponibles!! Inscribiendo 2 personas de la misma empresa 10% de descuento. 3 personas o más 15% de Descuento. Exalumnos Docencia 20% de descuento. Estudiantes universitarios regulares 50% de descuento. PRESUPUESTO Y CONTROL DE […]
Call for Abstracts Extended | 2014 World Engineering Education Forum | 3-6 Dec 2014 | Dubai | United Arab Emirates

Call for Abstracts – Extended until May 15, 2014 Due to very popular demand, the Technical Committee has granted extension for the submission of oral and poster abstracts. Key Important dates announced: 15 May 2014 – Deadline for submission of extended abstracts 31 May 2014 – Notification of extended abstract acceptance 13 June 2014 – Submission of full […]
UKCI 2014 – The 14th UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence on 8-10 September 2014, Bradford, UK

UKCI 2014 – The 14th UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence 8-10 September 2014 University of Bradford, UK http://www.computing.brad.ac.uk/ukci2014/