Computational Intelligence and Quantitative Software Engineering



Computational Intelligence  and

Quantitative Software Engineering


To be published by Springer-Verlag



Witold Pedrycz, Giancarlo Succi and Alberto Sillitti (Editors)


From its very inception Software Engineering has been recognized as human-centric and highly creative domain of both science and engineering. In one way or another, domain knowledge has to be incorporated into software design processes and software artifacts. The nature of these processes is such that an active role of the designer and user of software becomes crucial and all pursuits are knowledge intensive. The complexity of the developed systems, their requirements and advanced maintenance practices call for a sound and well-orchestrated modular treatment of a complex problem. The decomposition activities, being at the heart of coping with system complexity, call for an active involvement of information granularity using which the decomposition mechanisms could be efficiently implemented. A combinatorial character of numerous tasks such as those arising in software testing (test strategies), maintenance and configuration problems call for well-thought out strategies of discrete search and optimization. In light of all the issues identified above, it becomes apparent that it becomes highly advantageous to explore the potential of Computational Intelligence and its synergistic endeavors in the realm of Software Engineering. Taking into account an evident synergy occurring among neurocomputing, fuzzy sets and evolutionary optimization it is worth stressing that the same synergy plays a pivotal role in the analysis and synthesis of quantitative models of Software Engineering. Fuzzy sets and Granular Computing bring a highly desirable feature of transparency of models. Using “standard” rule based-models, we also encounter a highly desirable feature of modularity of rule-oriented description of quality of software artifacts and software processes. Evolutionary optimization and population-based optimization are of relevance in the context of the design of advanced models, especially when being concerned with their optimization of underlying topologies and refinements of their hierarchical structures.

The ultimate objectives of the proposed volume is to provide the readership with an updated, in-depth material on the conceptually appealing and practically sound information technology of Computational Intelligence to the development and evaluation of models of Software Engineering.

The book is aimed at a broad audience of researchers and practitioners including those involved in software analysis and software synthesis, software management, various branches of software planning, and software economics will benefit from the exposure to the subject matter.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:


  • Fundamentals of Computational Intelligence and principles of Software Engineering
  • Methodological developments of Software Engineering in the CI environment
  • Software requirement analysis, consensus building, prioritization, dealing with incomplete knowledge
  • Software measures and their Computational Intelligence developments
  • Software architectures and Computational Intelligence
  • Neural networks in software quality and its optimization
  • Evolutionary optimization in software testing and software maintenance
  • Computational Intelligence –based software maintenance processes
  • Case studies


Submission Procedure


Potential authors are invited to submit a brief one-page summary of the proposed chapter clearly identifying the main objectives of their research. Authors of the accepted proposals will be notified and provided with detailed guidelines. Full chapters are to be submitted by October 1, 2014. All manuscripts will be thoroughly reviewed. The lead authors will be provided with a complimentary copy of the volume.


The proposals and manuscripts are to be submitted electronically to the Editors (  and ).


Important Dates


Brief Proposal Submission     July  15, 2014

Notification of Acceptance     July 30, 2014

Full Chapter Submission        October 1, 2014

Review Results Returned      December 15, 2014

Final Chapter Submission       January 30, 2015



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