La Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (UNNE), en su calidad de miembro de la RedUNCI será sede del X Congreso de Tecnología en Educación y Educación en Tecnología (TEyET 2015) que se realizará en el campus de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura sito en Av. Libertad 5460 de la ciudad de Corrientes […]
Archive for March, 2015
X Congreso de Tecnología en Educación y Educación en Tecnología

Special session at INNS Big Data “Soft computing methods in large-scale content-based image retrieval”

Special session at INNS Big Data “Soft computing methods in large-scale content-based image retrieval” at the INNS-BigData’ 2015, San Francisco, USA, 8-10 August 2015 ( Up to now the only way to search vast collections of images and video which are generated every day in tremendous amount is by keywords and meta tags or by […]
2015 NAFIPS Annual Conference and 5th World Conference on Soft Computing

Many thanks to those who have submitted papers for NAFIPS’2015 by the original deadline of March 6. We will try our best to send you referee reports by March 28, as planned. We hope to have an exciting conference, with – as usual – many interesting talks. Several authors asked for a few […]
14th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing

The deadline for paper submission to IEEE ICCI’CC’15 (14th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing) has been extended to March 31, 2015 ( Shoert papers are welcome. The Proceedings of ICCI*CC’15 will be published by IEEE CS Press. Papers accepted in ICCI*CC’15 will be indexed by EI. SCI index is under discussion. […]
Cognitive Information Processing for Intelligent Computing and Deep Learning Applications

CALL FOR CHAPTER PROPOSALS Proposals Submission Deadline: March 30, 2015 Cognitive Information Processing for Intelligent Computing and Deep Learning Applications A book edited by Dr. Leonid Perlovsky (Harvard University, USA) Dr. Gary Kuvich (Open Group Master Certified IT Architect, USA) To be published by IGI Global: For release in the […]