—–———————————————————————– CALL FOR PAPERS —————————————————————————————————– The Fourth International Symposium on INTEGRATED UNCERTAINTY in KNOWLEDGE MODELLING and DECISION MAKING http://www.jaist.ac.jp/IUKM/IUKM2015/ OCTOBER 15-17, 2015, Nha Trang, VIETNAM ——————————————————————————————————- Related-special issues: Annals of Operations Research (Springer) and International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (Elsevier) ——————————————————————————————————- The International Symposium on Integrated Uncertainty in Knowledge Modelling and Decision Making (IUKM) aims […]
Archive for May, 2015
Sentiment Analysis and Ontology Engineering: An Environment of Computational Intelligence

CALL FOR CHAPTERS Sentiment Analysis and Ontology Engineering: An Environment of Computational Intelligence To be published by Springer Verlag Witold Pedrycz and Shyi-Ming Chen (Editors) Sentiment analysis and prediction along with ontology design, analysis and usage are essential to numerous pursuits in knowledge engineering and numerous application areas embracing business, […]
2015 International Conference on Computer Science and Information Engineering

Welcome Attend C.S.I.E’15 in Bangkok 2015 International Conference on Computer Science and Information Engineering Conference news! Welcome to CSIE2015! As a major international academic event in computer and information fields, CSIE2015 aims to provide people a high-qualified platform for people to present their latest studies. By gathering excellent ideas and thoughts, CSIE will be perfect […]
Social Sciences in International Journal of Research in Social Sciences (IJRSS)

IJSK is an international platform with open- access journals that publishes research concentrated articles , scientific manuscripts and survey based contributions focusing all aspects of Social Sciences in International Journal of Research in Social Sciences (IJRSS) Medical & Health Sciences in International Journal of Research in Medical and Health Sciences (IJRMHS) Agriculture and Food Sciences […]

2ND INT.CONF. ON MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN SCIENCES AND INDUSTRY – MSCI 2015 Sliema, Malta, August 17-19, 2015. www.mcsi-conf.org Plenary Lecture: Prof. Jun Wang, IEEE Fellow The conference will be held in a 5 Star Hotel with special discount prices for our guests. You are also encouraged to organize your Special Sessions. All the […]