WSOM 2016

Thanks to favorable circumstances we are able to keep open the paper deadline for the international conference “11th Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps”, WSOM 2016, until July 31, 2015.
The conference will be held at Rice University , Houston Texas , United States , January 6-8, 2016. Please check for the call for papers, important dates, paper submission information, and the venue.  Attached are the conference flyer and conference poster.
We would like to remind everyone that the scope of the conference includes not only SOMs and LVQs, but also various related topics such as metric learning, similarity measures for different data types, hybrid constructions, comparative or ensemble studies involving SOMs / LVQs and other approaches, as well as a diverse interest in their application.
We look forward to hosting you in Houston at Rice University next January. You will find a very welcoming, rich and vibrant environment here. Travel is easy and the weather is especially pleasant in January.
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