INVITATION: ================= Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate groups the following opportunity to submit and publish original scientific results to: – COGNITIVE 2016, The Eighth International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications The submission deadline is November 3, 2015. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended article […]
Archive for July, 2015
COGNITIVE 2016, The Eighth International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications

Conference on Business Analytics in Finance and Industry

EXTENDED DEADLINE: July 25, 2015 – EXTENDED DEADLINE: July 25, 2015 – EXTENDED DEADLINE: July 25, 2015 – Call for Abstracts Conference on Business Analytics in Finance and Industry December 14 – 16, 2015 Santiago, Chile Twitter: @bafichile Presentation The aim of the conference BAFI 2015 is to bring together researchers and developers from data science and […]
Infocommunications Journal

The Infocommunications Journal (covered by Scopus, Inspec and Compendex) is inviting you to create Special Issues within Cognitive Infocommunications in your specific scientific fields. The invitation welcomes and is open for you. We would like to ask you to propose topics, titles and Guest Editors for the Editorial Board. We can help you to manage the […]
29º edición de la Escuela de Ciencias Informáticas, ECI 2015

—————————– ECI 2015 Escuela de Ciencias Informáticas 20 al 25 de Julio de 2015 ******************************************************** Departamento de Computación Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales Universidad de Buenos Aires ******************************************************** La 29º edición de la Escuela de Ciencias Informáticas, ECI 2015, se llevará a cabo desde el 20 al 25 de julio de 2015, en […]
IOT360 Summit

View the web version plan | learn | network | collaborate | strategize | find solutions | create SUMMIT 27-29 October 2015, Rome, Italy Organized with the Patronage of European Commission Representatives in Italy […]