Archive for April 28th, 2016

The 3rd International Conference on Ocean Science and Marine Engineering—-OSME2016

The 3rd International Conference on Ocean Science and Marine Engineering—-OSME2016 December 12-13, 2016 Guangzhou, China Host American Society of Science and Engineering Collaborators Science and Engineering Publishing Company; Ivy Publisher All accepted papers will be published as regular issue in the following journals; (Formal and International) (English)  Marine Engineering Frontiers (MEF) (Chinese)  Frontier of Environmental […]

Info CPCI – Curso Lenguaje C++

 Curso Presencial Lenguaje de Programación C++ Pre-requisitos de Admisión: Se recomienda tenerexperiencia en algún lenguaje de programación. Contenido del curso 1- Elementos básicos del lenguaje El sistema de E/S de C++ Tipos de datos 2–Operadores y expresiones 3– Arrays y Punteros 4- Programación orientada a objetos Clases y abstracciones Homonimia de operadores Herencia y Funciones […]

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