IJAETMAS Journal (DOAJ)/Thomson Reuters Researcher id/and/Academia/Google scholar/ORCID CALL FOR PAPERS VOLUME 4, ISSUE 06, JUNE 2017 Dear Authors/Researcher INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCEMENT IN ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY, MANAGEMENT & APPLIED SCIENCE (IJAETMAS) ISSN 2349–3224, invites you to submit research paper for publishing in Volume 4, Issue 06, June 2017. […]
Archive for May 31st, 2017
ICPA – Jornada Técnica | Pavimentos Urbanos de Hormigón – Zona Norte GBA

UBICNET 2017 in India (August 3- 5)

Web Version EAI International Conference on Ubiquitous Communications and Network Computing August 3–5, 2017 | Bangalore, India Ubiquitous Communications and Network Computing (UBICNET) are revolutionary concept that aim to provide pervasive and reliable communication and computing services available anytime and anywhere. UBICNET has drawn significant interests from both academia and industry and continues to attract […]