Impact Factor (1.308) Call for Papers Publication and peer-review process: All manuscripts are reviewed by the Editorial Board and qualified reviewers. Decisions will be made as rapidly as possible, and the journal strives to return reviewers’ comments to authors within 4 weeks. The editorial board will re-review manuscripts that are accepted pending revision. All accepted […]
Archive for June, 2017

Impact Factor (0.351) Call for Papers Greetings from Academia House, We invite you to submit your manuscript(s) to for publication. Note: Due to lack of instant reflection of submitted manuscripts in our official website. We have noticed that some amendment are needed to be made in the journal of AJSR, Submission of manuscript column, […]
Submit your paper to Intelligent Transport Systems

INTSYS 2017 November 28-29 | Helsinki, Finland INTSYS 2017 is a co-located event with SmartCity 360 summit aiming at research in developing and deploying key ITS technologies, and contributing to standardisation, interoperability between transport modes and countries, and cross-border continuity of services. For more information on topics, see here. Why submit your paper? Indexed in: EI, Scopus, ISI Thomson's Scientific, Crossref, […]
Conferencia Internacional sobre Vialidad Invernal # Día 2

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