Calling All Scientific Hardware Experts

Calling All Scientific Hardware Experts

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Call for Papers
Calling All Scientific Hardware Experts
Submit your manuscript

Get credit for your hardware innovations and make a difference to others

Are you a scientific hardware guru? Do you have a design or a hardware fix that can help others in your field? Do you want to get some credit for the work that you put into designing the hardware you use for your experiments? If so, HardwareX is for you.

Science wins through sharing.
HardwareX is a forum for hands-on scientists to share and gain kudos for their innovative solutions to hardware challenges, and to help others get more out of scientific hardware. Preparing a paper is easy and requires that you share the designs to your hardware. You can link your HardwareX paper to your published research, helping you explain your experimental setup in detail. This makes it easier for readers to reproduce your experiments, potentially leading to greater impact of your work. Find out more

Some recent ideas include:

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