Ref: 22nd International Conference on Knowledge Based and Intelligent information and Engineering Systems (KES2018)– 3-5 September 2018–Belgrade, SerbiaDetails – Dear Colleagues, We are delighted to announce that the KES-2018 will be held in Belgrade, Serbia in September 2018. We’d love to see you at this amazing location! Belgrade is a […]
Archive for October, 2017
22nd International Conference on Knowledge Based and Intelligent information and Engineering Systems (KES2018)– 3-5 September 2018–Belgrade, Serbia

Invitación a Charla de Informática Rama IEEE San Luis

Tenemos el agrado de invitarlos a un nuevo evento organizado por la Rama Estudiantil IEEE San Luis. En esta edición contaremos con la presencia del Licenciado en Cs. de la Computación, Edgardo Bernardis y del Licenciado en Cs. de la Computación Hernán Bernardis; quienes tratarán los temas citados a continuación: Visualización de Software – […]
CPCI – Charlas gratuitas y Cursos !! TALLER TRANSFORMACION DIGITAL EN SALUD – HACIA LA CONECTIVIDAD Y CAMBIO DE PARADIGMA JUEVES 02 de NOVIEMBRE Horario : 10:00 a 12:00 hs. Temario : Lugar: Hipolito Yrigoyen 1427 Piso 10 Oficina " C" – CABA Se requiere inscripción previa, comunicarse vÃa mail a o al tel. 4381-2200
WAT 2018: Call for papers

Track: Workshop on Adaptive Technology — WAT 2018 ================================================== The 9th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies May 8-11, 2018, Porto, Portugal ( Theme ===== Adaptive approach aims to aid the solution search of practical problems through auto-modifiable mathematical abstractions such as adaptive models and devices. In other words, the adaptive approach […]
InterSol 2018 is accepting papers on Innovations and Interdisciplinary Solutions for Underserved Areas (Deadline: 30 November 2017)