Web version April 13 – 14, 2019 | Tianjin, People's Republic of ChinaSubmission Deadline: 30 November 2018 Scope The existing computing models and computing environments have changed immensely due to the rapid advancements in mobile computing, big data, and cyberspace-based supporting technologies such as cloud computing, Internet-of-Things and other large-scale computing environments. We are pleased to invite you […]
Archive for October, 2018
SPNCE 2019 *Call for Papers* 2nd EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in New Computing Environments

Concurso “Enfoca con Ciencia y Tecnología

Estimados, me comunico a fin de invitarlos a participar al Concurso ''Enfoca con Ciencia y Tecnología'', el mismo se trata de un concurso de fotografía organizado por la FCyT, cuya exposición será el 26 de octubre en 7 Colinas Cervecería Artesanal (Estrada 838, C. del Uruguay). Se reciben las fotos hasta el día miércoles 24/10 a las […]
SADIO – Curso Aplicaciones de Inteligencia Artificial para proyectos

"en la senda de Sadosky" Curso "Aplicaciones de Inteligencia Artificial para proyectos" Lunes 5/11, Jueves 8/11, Lunes 12/11 y Jueves 15/11 de 18:30 a 21:30 hs. Arancel (en pesos argentinos) Inscripción temprana (hasta el 26/10/2018) $2400 Inscripción tardía (desde el 27/10/2018) $2700 Descuento para socios de SADIO 50%. La vacante se reserva con […]
Computing Conference 2019 – London

Computing Conference 2019 – Call for Papers 16-17 July 2019 – London, United Kingdom We'd like to invite you to submit your papers/posters/demo proposals for the Computing Conference 2019 to be held from 16-17 July 2019 in London, UK. Computing Conference (formerly called Science and Information (SAI) Conference) is a research conference held in London, UK since 2013. The conference series has featured keynote talks, […]
Call for Papers – Encyclopedia of Criminal Activities and the Deep Web

Countries all over the world are seeing significant increases in criminal activity through the use of technological tools. Such crimes as identity theft, cyberattacks, drug trafficking, and human trafficking are conducted through the deep and dark web, while social media is utilized by murderers, sex offenders, and pedophiles to elicit information and contact their victims. […]