VII MACI 2019 on 8 to 10 May in Río Cuarto, Córdoba

The VII Congress on Industrial, Computational and Applied Mathematics (VII MACI 2019) will be held from 8 to 10 May 2019 in Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina. This event commemorates the tenth anniversary of the creation of the Argentine Association on Industrial, Computational and Applied Mathematics – ASAMACI (October 31, 2008 – October 31, 2018).


        To contribute to the development of novel methods and original mathematical techniques to solve critical problems motivated by scientific, technological, industrial, engineering, economic and social problems, among others.

        To provide the adequate space to exchange knowledge and ideas among the scientists, technologists, engineers, etc., who use and develop mathematical methods and/or techniques.

        To promote the development of human resources in all MACI areas, by attracting the interest of fellow mathematicians, professionals, doctoral students and young researchers.

        To disseminate the role of Applied Mathematics and its relevance as an independent field of knowledge (among advance undergraduate students, industries and enterprises, among others).



Researchers, professionals, undergraduate and graduate students of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Economics, Finance and Engineering, among other related areas, interested in the development of mathematical methods and models motivated by problems in the above mentioned fields.


        ASAMACI: Asociación Argentina de Matemática Aplicada, Computacional e Industrial

        AR-SIAM: Argentina Section of SIAM

        UNRC: National University of Río Cuarto


        José Alberto Badoni – Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina

        Ricardo Carretero González – San Diego State University, USA

        Carlos Conca Rosende – Universidad de Chile, Chile

        Lorenzo Fusi – Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy

        Fabio Rosso – Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy

        Domingo Tarzia – Universidad Austral, Argentina



  1. Matrix Analysis and Applications
  2. Biomathematics
  3. Data Science and Machine Learning
  4. High-Performance Computing
  5. Mathematical Economics
  6. Differential Equations and Applications
  7. Quantitative Finances
  8. Operations Research and Applications
  9. Industrial Mathematics and Applications
  10. Computational Mechanics
  11. Numerical Methods: Algorithms and Applications
  12. Probabilistic and Statistical Methods
  13. Interdisciplinary Mathematical Models
  14. Optimization Theory and Applications
  15. Free Boundary Problems and Applications
  16. Inverse Problems and Applications
  17. Mathematical Problems in Continuum Mechanics
  18. Signal and Image Processing
  19. Dynamical Systems
  20. Optimal Control Theory and Applications
  21. Computer vision
  22. Undergraduate Student Posters
  23. Graduate Student Posters



        Pablo M. Jacovkis (UNTREF-UBA, Arg)

        Pablo A. Lotito (PLADEMA-UNCPBA, Arg)

        Cristina Maciel (UNS, Arg)

        Pablo Rodriguez (ICMC-USP, Br)

        Horacio G. Rotstein (NJIT, USA)

        Diana Rubio (UNSAM, Arg)

        Rubén D. Spies (IMAL CONICET-UNL, Arg)

        Domingo A. Tarzia (CONICET-UA, Arg)

        Sergio Preidikman (CONICET, UNC, Arg)




        Ceballos, Luis R.  (FI-UNRC, Arg)

        Gariboldi, Claudia (FCEFQyN-UNRC, Arg)

        Roccia, Bruno (FI-UNRC / IDIT-CONICET, Arg)


        Alturria, Carmina (FCEFQyN-UNRC, Arg)

        Barros, Julio (FCEFQyN-FI-UNRC, Arg)

        Blengino, Jorge (FCEFQyN-UNRC, Arg)

        Bollo, Carolina (FCEFQyN-UNRC, Arg)

        Bossio, Jose (FI-UNRC, Arg)

        Buri, Leopoldo (FCEFQyN-UNRC, Arg)

        Carbonari, Giulia (FCEFQyN-UNRC, Arg)

        Degiovanni, Renzo (FCEFQyN-UNRC, Arg)

        Demaria, Stefania (FCEFQyN-UNRC, Arg)

        Ferrero, Susana (FCEFQyN-UNRC, Arg)

        Ferreyra, David (FCEFQyN-UNRC, Arg)

        Fontana, Juan (FI-UNRC, Arg)

        Giubergia, Graciela (FCEFQyN-UNRC, Arg)

        Levis, Fabian (FCEFQyN-UNRC, Arg)

        Maero, Andrea (FCEFQyN-UNRC, Arg)

        Maldonado, Juliana (FCEFQyN-UNRC, Arg)

        Mazzone, Fernando (FCEFQyN-UNRC, Arg)

        O’Brien, Ronald (FI-UNRC, Arg)

        Priori, Albina (FCEFQyN-UNRC, Arg)

        Rodriguez, Claudia (FCEFQyN-UNRC, Arg)

        Ruiz, Marcelo (FCEFQyN-UNRC, Arg)

        Tardivo, Laura (FCEFQyN-UNRC, Arg)

        Verstraete, Marcos (FI-UNRC, Arg)


The MACI congresses are held every other year in May of odd years since 2007. The previous events were:

I MACI 2007, Córdoba

II MACI 2009, Rosario

III MACI 2011, Bahía Blanca

IV MACI 2013, Buenos Aires

V MACI 2015, Tandil

VI MACI 2017, Comodoro Rivadavia


Each oral presentation (except poster presentations) is allotted a time slot of 20 minutes. These 20 minutes are subdivided as follows: 15 minutes for the presentation (including the conclusion) and 5 minutes for questions. The accepted contributions will be published in volume 7 of the Journal of Industrial, Computational and Applied Mathematics (MACI ISSN: 2314-3282). At least one of the authors of the paper should be registered at the congress.



The authors of accepted posters will have a space for their presentation and will participate in a contest. The requirements stipulated in the regulations must be met, otherwise they will be disqualified by the Local Organizing Committee.



Elvio Pilotta – Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina

Takéo Takahashi – Institut Élie Cartan de Lorraine, France

Néstor Thome Coppo – Universitat Politécnica de Valencia, Spain


        October 12, 2018: Start of online article submissions

        December 10, 2018: Deadline for article submissions

        February 18, 2019: Authors are notified regarding the acceptance of their contribution

        March 11, 2019: Deadline for requesting financial assistance

        March 29, 2019: Deadline for early registration

        May 8-10, 2019: VII MACI 2019 conference


Economic assistance will be granted to:

  1. Undergraduate students: Priority will be given to those who present works or posters and who belong to institutions affiliated with ASAMACI.
  2. Researchers: Mandatory requirements are
    1. to be a member of AR-SIAM and ASAMACI over the last three years prior to the congress (2017-2019).
    2. to be author of a paper accepted for oral presentation.


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