We are pleased to inform you that "DeliveryCoin: An IDS and
Blockchain-Based Delivery Framework for Drone-Delivered Services" has
been published in Computers as part of the Special Issue
Blockchain-Based Systems and is available
Abstract: In this paper, we propose an intrusion detection system (IDS)
and Blockchain-based delivery framework, called DeliveryCoin, for
drone-delivered services. The DeliveryCoin framework consists of four
phases, including system initialization phase, creating the block,
updating the blockchain, and intrusion detection phase. To achieve
privacy-preservation, the DeliveryCoin framework employs hash functions
and short signatures without random oracles and the Strong
Diffie–Hellman (SDH) assumption in bilinear groups. To achieve consensus
inside the blockchain-based delivery platform, we introduce a UAV-aided
forwarding mechanism, named pBFTF. We also propose an IDS system in each
macro eNB (5G) for detecting self-driving network attacks as well as
false transactions between self-driving nodes. Furthermore, extensive
simulations are conducted, and results confirm the efficiency of our
proposed DeliveryCoin framework in terms of latency of blockchain
consensus and accuracy.