11th Int Workshop on Articulated Models and Deformable Objects (AMDO) 2020

CFP: 11th Int Workshop on Articulated Models and Deformable Objects (AMDO) 2020 http://www.visigrapp.org/AMDO.aspx

29 February, 2020 – Valletta, Malta



The Mathematics and Computer Science Department of the UIB, the Spanish Association for Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (AERFAI) and the Communications & Computer Engineering Department, University of Malta, are organising the eleventh international workshop AMDO 2020 that will take place in Valletta, Malta. The goal of this workshop is to promote interaction and collaboration among researchers working in the areas covered by the workshop. A study of the human body using computer technologies as the main tool is the unifying theme of the workshop. The AMDO 2020 workshop offers a great opportunity to encourage collaboration between researchers in the areas of computer vision, computer graphics, advanced multimedia applications and human multimodal interfaces that share common problems and frequently use similar techniques or tools. Our main focus in this edition is on advanced techniques applied to Human Motion Analysis & Synthesis.


AMDO 2020 will consist of one day plenary sessions (both regular and invited presentations). The workshop registration fee is defined on the VISIGRAPP website and includes the same services as the other parallel conferences.

Students and AERFAI members can register at a reduced rate.


TOPICS INCLUDE: Human Modelling & Animation, Human Motion Analysis & Tracking, 3D Human Reconstruction & Recognition, Human 3D Medical Deformable Models & Visualization. Advanced Human Computer Applications. Facial Expression Analysis, Recognition and Modelling.




Papers should describe original and unpublished work on the above or closely related topics. All submissions should be in pdf format. Papers are limited to ten pages including references, in the LNCS format, and should include the title, a 150-word abstract, keywords and the main body. All submitted papers are subjected to a double blind review by at least two members of the program committee. It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure anonymity (no names and affiliation) of their submission. Please submit your paper electronically at our website using the software provided by VISIGRAPP organization committee http://www.visigrapp.org/AMDO.aspx. The AMDO2020 program committee must receive your paper before December 24th, 2019, 17:00 GMT (London time). The accepted papers will be published in a LNCS Springer-Verlag series volume or in a special Issue in the Pattern Recognition Journal. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors of accepted papers to register for the workshop at the full registration rate, and to present their communication at the workshop.




Submission of papers                            December 24th, 2019

Notification of acceptance                      January 10th, 2020

Camera-ready                                    January 17th, 2020


11th AMDO Workshop 2020                         29th February 2020


ORGANISING COMMITTEE: Saramago M. (Events Team, INSTICC Office) Amengual E., Buades J. M., Gonzalez M., Fiol  G., Jaume A., Manresa C., Mas R., Mascaró Oliver M., Miró M., Moya G., Ramis S., Varona X. (Dep. Mathematics & Computer Science, UIB), S. Escalera (UB, Spain)


TECHNICAL SUPPORT: http://www.visigrapp.org <http://www.visigrapp.org/>


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