EPO4VR: Everyday Proxy Objects for VR, a CHI ’20 Workshop – Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

EPO4VR: A CHI '20 Workshop on Everyday Proxy Objects for VR
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Workshop homepage: http://epo4vr.dfki.de
Conference homepage: http://chi2020.acm.org
Submission page: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=epo4vr
Social Media: https://www.twitter.com/epo4vr | http://www.facebook.com/epo4vr


The workshop on Everyday Proxy Objects for VR will explore the integration of everyday items for multi-sensory virtual experiences and sets course for respective future research endeavors. We welcome researchers and practitioners who have experience with or interest in using everyday objects as proxies for virtual objects, scenes or interactions in VR.

To apply for the workshop, we invite submissions of position papers in the SIGCHI Extended Abstract format with a maximum length of 4 pages (not including bibliography) to
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=epo4vr. Position papers should address either previous work or future planned work in the scope of integrating everyday objects in immersive virtual experiences. Each participant will have 5 minutes for an oral presentation of their work.

Position papers will be reviewed by the workshop organizers. Participants will be selected according to the suitability of their research to contribute to the workshop outcome or the relevance of their workshop position paper. Upon acceptance, at least one author of each accepted paper must attend the workshop. All participants must register for both the workshop and for at least one day of the conference.

More details can be found on the workshop webpage: http://epo4vr.dfki.de

The workshop welcomes submissions addressing one or more but not limited to the following topics:
– Virtual, mixed and substitutional reality
– Tangible interaction with everyday objects
– Retrofitting for sensing and actuating everyday objects
– Multi-sensory devices and proxies
– Tracking of everyday objects for VR/MR
– Immersion and perception of everyday proxy objects
– Facilitating collaboration through everyday proxy objects
– Interaction techniques or interfaces in the context of everyday objects
– VR/MR applications based on/leveraging everyday proxy objects

– Submission Deadline: February 11th, 2020
– Notification: February 28th, 2020
– Workshop: tba., either 25th or 26th of April, 2020

Florian Daiber, DFKI, Saarbrücken, Germany
Donald Degraen, DFKI, Saarbrücken, Germany
André Zenner, DFKI, Saarbrücken, Germany
Frank Steinicke, Universität Hamburg, Germany
Oscar Javier Ariza Nunez, Universität Hamburg, Germany
Adalberto L. Simeone, KU Leuven, Belgium

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