"Respetables Universidades Socias. Reciban un cordial saludo. Por este medio les extendemos cordialmente la invitación a participar en el II Congreso Internacional Multidisciplinario Estudiantil UDCI. Adjunto al presente la invitación, así como las bases. Para mayor información, favor de contactar a la Mtra.Maribel Padilla (maribel.padilla@udc.edu.mx), organizadora del evento". Prof. Renata Galarza Relaciones Internacionales FCyT Este correo fue […]
Archive for February 18th, 2020
II Congreso Multidisciplinario de Investigación Estudiantil UDCI 2020

Special Session on “Beyond Traditional Sensing for Intelligent Transportation” – ITSC2020

ITSC 2020 – The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems September 20-23, 2020. Rhodes, Greece. ——————————-Special Session on *Beyond Traditional Sensing for Intelligent Transportation*——————————-https://tinyurl.com/u5bz6v9—————————— Over the past few decades, sensors have not only become more advanced but also made impressive strides across an increasing number of sensing modalities.Despite the improved capabilities and breadth […]
DOCTORAL SYMPOSIUM CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS – Eye Tracking Research and Applications (ETRA 2020)

Eye Tracking Research and Applications (ETRA 2020) – DOCTORAL SYMPOSIUM CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS The 2020 ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications will offer a Doctoral Symposium, where doctoral students get an opportunity to meet other students and experienced researchers to get feedback on their research in a friendly collegial environment. We invite […]
[Courses] Machine Learning Seminar

Hello all, We're hosting a 2-day Machine Learning seminar taught by Kevin Grimm on June 25-26, 2020 in Philadelphia. This two-day seminar is a thorough introduction to machine learning techniques. Topics include cross-validation, multiple regression, basic variable selection methods, an overview of the R statistical framework, multivariate adaptive regression splines, lasso regression, classification and regression […]
CFP: Image and Vision Computing

Image and Vision Computing CALL FOR PAPERS Special Issue on Advances in Domain Adaptation for Computer Vision Aim and Scope: In daily routines, humans, not only learn and apply knowledge for visual tasks but also have intrinsic abilities to transfer knowledge between related vision tasks. For example, if a new vision task is relevant […]