Dear Colleagues and Friends, We are pleased to announce the release (v2.2) of McKernel: A Library for Approximate Kernel Expansions in Log-linear Time ( Abstract: McKernel introduces a framework to use kernel approximates in the minibatch setting with Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) as an alternative to Deep Learning. Based on Random Kitchen Sinks [Rahimi […]
Archive for February, 2020
McKernel: A Library for Approximate Kernel Expansions in Log-linear Time.

Advances in AI and Machine Learning: Addressing Risks and Concerns, IEEE Intl Workshop at COMPSAC, Madrid, July 2020 — CALL for PAPERS

Third IEEE International Workshop on Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AIML): Addressing Risks and Concerns Call for Papers and Participation Submissions Due: 9 April 2020 Artificial intelligence (AI) is finally starting to deliver real-world benefits, and early adopters in businesses and industry in several sectors are embracing the […]
CfP: Tools for Creating XR Media Experiences (Workshop in conjunction with ICME 2020)

First International Workshop on Tools for Creating XR Media Experiences The workshop is held on July 6 in conjunction with IEEE ICME 2020 conference, 6-10 July 2020, London. The keynote will be given by Professor Aljosa Smolic, Trinity College Dublin. This workshop calls for original contributions on new approaches, technologies and tools for creating, […]
IS&T Color & Imaging Conference (CIC28): CFP Open, Submit by April 26

Join us for a week of color 2-6 November 2020 in Chiba, Japan! The IS&T Twenty-eighth Color and Imaging Conference (CIC28) provides a wealth of ways to extend your network and the reach of your work with several opportunities to showcase your research through conference sessions, posters, Short Courses, workshops, and collocated events including IS&T's […]
Call for papers to a Special Issue in Scalable Information Systems (WoS indexed) Journal

Web version Call for Papers Special issue on "Intelligent Data Organization" Manuscript submission deadline: March 7, 2020 Publication Opportunities Papers will be published in EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systemsindexed in Web of Science, DOAJ, CrossRef, among others! Submit paper In order to submit, please select the journal and choose the special issue. Scope & […]