Submit your paper to a Special Issue in Security and Safety Journal

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European Alliance for Innovation

Call for Papers

Special issue on:
"Security and Privacy Issues for the Artificial Intelligence Era"
Manuscript submission deadline: March 20, 2020

Publication Opportunities
Papers will be published in 
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Security and Safety
indexed in DOAJ, CrossRef, EBSCO, among others!
Submit paper
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Scope & Topics

To address the arising challenges and opportunities different from traditional cloud-based architectures, this special issue is interested in inviting and gathering recent advanced security and privacy techniques relevant to the convergence of artificial intelligence (read more).

We welcome contributions from the following topics:

  • Authentication in artificial intelligence system
  • Lightweight data protection scheme for smart AI devices
  • Secure model protection method for AI
  • Hardware security and privacy issues for AI devices
  • Secure data integrity and validation techniques for smart AI devices
  • Privacy computation and processing protocols on AI platform
  • Secure M2M communication for federated learning and AI
  • Formal security model for cryptographic protocols for AI
  • Future and smart AI-based vulnerability assessment interfaces 
  • Against adversarial examples for AI
  • Secure programming models and toolkits for AI
  • Virtualization, security, and management for AI
  • Experiment prototype for secure and trusted AI framework
  • Blockchain and smart contracts for AI system
  • New privacy challenges in AI
Guest editors

Ximeng Liu – Fuzhou University, China

Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo – The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA

Yinbin Miao – City University of Hong Kong, China

Yang Yang – Singapore Management University, Singapore

This issue will be published in EAI Endorsed Transactions on Security and Safety an open-access, peer-reviewed journal abstracted/indexed in DOAJ, CrossRef, EBSCO, OCLC, among others. It focuses on security and safety of network and service infrastructures. The journal publishes research articles, review articles and editorials with a quarterly frequency. Authors are not charged for article submission and processing.

Important dates

Manuscript submission deadlineMarch 20, 2020

Notification of acceptance:  April 20, 2020

Submission of final revised paper: May 22, 2020

Publication of special issue (tentative): June 12, 2020

Community Benefits
Granting you visibility and fair review through Community Review.
Credits counting towards your EAI Index, membership ranks and global recognition.
Fast Proactive Publication process (EAI Transactions).

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