FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS: VII IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence, LA-CCI 2020 .AND. XVI IEEE Latin American Summer School on Computational Intelligence, EVIC 2020 (CHILE)

VII IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence, LA-CCI 2020.

November 4 – 6, 2020

XVI IEEE Latin American Summer School on Computational Intelligence, EVIC 2020.

November 2 – 4, 2020


Aula Magna – Universidad de La Frontera – Temuco. CHILE






We are pleased to invite you to participate in LA-CCI 2020 which will be held this year in Temuco, Chile, jointly with the XVI Summer School on Computational Intelligence, EVIC 2020, that will be from November 2-4. LA-CCI provides a high-level international forum for scientists, researchers, engineers, professionals and educators as well as for young researchers and students to disseminate their latest research results and exchange views on the future research of Computational Intelligence (please visit for more information).


Temuco is a southern city surrounded by parks, lakes, volcanic landscapes that give it a natural beauty and touristic charm. It belongs to the Araucanía Region of Chile and has an important influence of native Mapuche people that preserve a distinctive culture.




(NEW) Ethical, Humane & Sustainable Applications of Computational Intelligence: 

– Social & Environmental Responsibility (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals);

– Governability / Democracy protection;

– Privacy, Individualization, Transparency and Safety challenges;

– Human judgment in Machines;

– Social Ethical Computation;

– Responsible Marketing, etc.

 (1) Evolutionary & Swarm Computation:

– Evolutionary computation;

– Swarm intelligence;

– Artificial immune systems;

– Novel metaheuristics and hyperheuristics;

– Memetic and Collective intelligence;

– Nature and Bio-inspired methods;

– Artificial life.

 (2) Neural & Learning Systems:

– Machine learning;

– Neural Computation (+Weightless Systems);

– Complex systems;

– Wavelets;

– Molecular and quantum computing;

– Brain-machine interfaces;

– Network Sciences;

– Local search methods.

 (3) Fuzzy & Stochastic Modeling:

– Fuzzy logic;

– Fuzzy optimization and design;

– Fuzzy pattern recognition;

– Fuzzy control & decision making/support;

– Rough sets;

– Uncertainty analysis;

– Fractals;

– Game theory;

– Social Simulation;

– Multi-agent systems;

– Symbolic Systems;

– Grey systems.



Dr. Carlos A. Coello Coello


CINVESTAV-Instituto Politécnico Nacional

Departamento de Computación

Mexico City,MEXICO.



Evolutionary & Swarm Computation



Short Biography

Carlos A. Coello Coello received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, USA, in 1996. He is a Professor (CINVESTAV-3F Researcher) with the Department of Computer Science of CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico City, Mexico. He has authored and co-authored over 450 technical papers and book chapters. His publications currently report over 33 000 citations in Google Scholar with an H-index of 70. His current research interests include evolutionary multiobjective optimization and constraint-handling techniques for evolutionary algorithms. Dr. Coello Coello was a recipient of the 2007 National Research Award from the Mexican Academy of Sciences in the area of exact sciences, the 2013 IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award, and the 2012 National Medal of Science and Arts in the area of Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences.

Dr. Alice E. Smith 


Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering

Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA



Stochastic Modelling


Short Biography

Alice E. Smith is the Joe W. Forehand/Accenture Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Auburn University with a joint appointment in Computer Science and Software Engineering. She holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Rice University, an MBA from Saint Louis University and a doctorate in engineering management and systems engineering from Missouri University of Science and Technology.  She has authored papers with over $2,000 ISI Web of Science citations and has been a principal investigator on projects with funding totaling over $6 million. She is an area editor of INFORMS Journal on Computing and Computers & Operations Research and an associated editor of IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation.

Dr. Hava Siegelmann



University of Massachusetts Amherst

Department of Computer Science




Neural & Learning System

Short Biography

Dr. Hava Siegelmann earned a Ph.D. from Rutgers University, an M.S. from The Hebrew University, and a B.A. from Technion, all in computer science.

Her academic distinctions include the Rutgers Doctoral Fellowship of Excellence. In 2015, the National Institutes of Health named Siegelmann one of 16 presidential BRAIN Initiative awardees for her work on energy- constrained brain activation. She is the 2016 recipient of the Hebb Award of the International Neural Network Society as well as the 2017-9 IEEE distinguished lecturer. Dr. Siegelmann also serves as a core member of the university’s Neuroscience and Behavior program and of the BINDS lab (Biologically Inspired Neural and Dynamical Systems), focused on biological learning mechanisms. She co-originated “support vector clustering” with Vladimir Vapnik, which has become one of the most widely used clustering algorithms in industry. She also created a sub-field of computation with her discovery of Super-Turing computation.

Dr. Piero P. Bonissone


GE Global Research

One Research Circle

Niskayuna, NY 12309, USA



Fuzzy Modelling



Short Biography

Piero Bonissone received the BS degree in EE/ME from the University of Mexico City, in 1975, the M.S. in ME from UC Berkeley, in 1978, and the PhD in EECS from UC Berkeley, in 1979. He was a computer scientist at the General Electric Corporate Research and Development Center (GE CRD) since 1979. Dr. Bonissone has carried out research and projects in Artificial Intelligence, expert systems, simulation, fuzzy sets, soft computing, and data mining. In 1989 he received the Dushman Award from GE CRD for his work on reasoning with uncertainty. Dr. Bonissone has published more than a hundred articles in the area of expert systems, approximate reasoning, fuzzy sets, pattern recognition, decision analysis, and soft computing. He received seven patents from the U.S. Patent Office for his work on reasoning with uncertainty and fuzzy control.


The Latin American Summer School on Computational Intelligence (EVIC) is an annual event held in Chile since 2004 with the objective of disseminating the foundations and recent advances of Computational Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science, Intelligent Control, among others, to the universities and business public of Chile and Latin America. EVIC is organized by the Chilean chapter of the IEEE CIS.


The Postgraduate Theses Contest (PTC) promotes the integration and cooperation of young researchers in Computational Intelligence areas, providing greater visibility of the work done.  Among the registered participants, the PTC will select and award the best doctoral thesis and the best master’s thesis on Computational Intelligence.

A valid thesis or dissertation has to completed, duly defended and approved during the period January 2018 to June 2020.The theses will be evaluated based on their:

(1) Scientific and technological contributions, generated by the work;

(2) Potential impact on society; and,

(3) Potential impact on the state of the art on Computational Intelligence & associated areas.



·         Social challenges (ethics, human rights, indigenous, education), environment and CI applications.

·         CI and development.

·         Invitation to school teachers and students of the region to talk about the advances, opportunities of CI and answer their questions.


Paper submissions:   29 May 2020

Acceptance notification:  3 August 2020

Final paper submission:  31 August 2020

Early Registration:  30 September 2020

Theses Contest Deadline: July 31, 2020
Theses Contest Result Notification: 
August 31, 2020

EVIC Poster Deadline:  2 October 2020

EVIC Poster Notification: 9 October 2020


 Paper length will be up to 6 pages.  Papers must be written in MS-Word or Latex.

 Papers must be written in English.  Papers will be submitted using the Easychair System.



Presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings and made available via the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, and (per IEEE’s policy) submitted to the Scopus database for indexing. At least one paper author must register and present the paper at the event.


1.      Fernando Buarque de Lima NetoUniversidade de Pernambuco (Brazil) Founder & Board of Directors of LA-CIS] [*** Steering Committee Coordinator]

2.      Gary Fogel, Chief Executive Officer of Natural Selection, Inc. (USA)

3.      Cristian Rodriguez RiveroUniversidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina) [Founder & Board of Directors of LA-CIS] [Past-General Chair of LA-CCI 2014 – Bariloche, Argentina]

4.      Yván Jesús Túpac ValdiviaUniversidad Católica San Pablo (Peru) [Founder & Board of Directors of LA-CIS] [Past-General Chair of LA-CCI 2017 – Arequipa, Peru]

5.      Carmelo José Albanez Bastos-FilhoUniversidade de Pernambuco (Brazil) [Founder Member of LA-CIS]

6.      Heitor Silvério LópesUniversidade Federal Tecnológica do Paraná (Brazil) [Past-General Chair of LA-CCI 2015 – Curitiba, Brazil]

7.      Alvaro David Orjuela-Cañón – Universidad del Rosario (Colombia) [Past-General Chair of LA-CCI 2016 – Cartagena, Colombia]

8.      Alma Yolanda Alanis Garcia Universidad de Guadalajara (Mexico) [Past-General Chair of LA-CCI 2018 – Guadalajara, Mexico]

9.      Otilia Maria Alejandro MolinaEscuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral, ESPOL (Ecuador) [Past-General Chair of LA-CCI 2019 – Guayaquil, Ecuador]

10.  Gloria Millaray Curilem SaldíasUniversidad de la Frontera (Chile) [*** This edition General Chair of LA-CCI 2020 – Temuco, Chile] 

Invited Members: Héctor Cancela /Martin PedemonteUniversidad de la Republica (Uruguay) [*** Next General Chairs of LA-CCI 2021 – Montevideo]




Millaray Curilem, Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco

Doris Sáez-Hueichapan, Universidad de Chile, Santiago

Nelson Aros, Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco


Pablo Estévez, Universidad de Chile, Santiago


Cesar San Martin, Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco


Fernando Huenupan, Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco


Daniel Sbarbaro, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción (UDEC)


Gonzalo Acuña, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago


Claudio Held, Universidad de Chile, Santiago

Felipe Tobar, Universidad de Chile, Santiago

María Cristina Riff, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso

Pablo Huijse, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia


Please feel free to contact any of the Program Chairs in case you have any questions about the Conference at {,}.

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