Presentation Options: COGNITIVE 2020 || July 26 – 30, 2020 – Nice, France

COGNITIVE 2020, The Twelfth International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications

July 26, 2020 to July 30, 2020 – Nice, France

Due to current international travel difficulties, the logistics offer alternative presentation options. This solution will cover the scenario where none of the authors are able attend. The following options are available for the delivery of the presentation:

(i) Regular on site presentation at the conference location

(ii) Pre recorded presentation to be provided to logistics ahead of the event

Both presentation methods make your contribution eligible for invitation as extended version to one of the iaria journals (see

After the notification based on the peer review process, if you opt for a pre recorded presentation, please coordinate with the logistics contact.

Main page:



Submission: April 14, 2020

Notification: May 17, 2020

Registration: May 31, 2020

Camera-ready: June 11, 2020

Call for papers:



NEW DIRECTIONS: Hot topics on cognitive science

Neuroscience; Brain connectivity; Brain-like Computing; Neuromorphic computing; Neuromorphic devices; Brain machine interface; Interfacing via brain waves; Spiking hierarchical models; Vision sensors; Sensory modalities; Temporal approach to object recognition; Hierarchical temporal memory; Spatio-temporal event recognition; Reasoning with relative directions; Web-navigation via Cognitive Models; Mining cognitive patterns; Bag-of-Features for retrievals; Computing with symmetries; Periphery of Knowledge; Emotions and cooperation levels

BRAIN: Brain information processing and informatics

Cognitive and computation models; Human reasoning mechanisms; Modeling brain information processing mechanisms; Brain learning mechanisms; Human cognitive functions and their relationships; Modeling human multi-perception mechanisms and visual, auditory, and tactile information processing; Neural structures and neurobiological process; Cognitive architectures; Brain information storage, collection, and processing; Formal conceptual models of human brain data; Knowledge representation and discovery in neuroimaging; Brain-computer interface; Cognition-inspired complex systems; Aesthetic emotions

COGNITION: Artificial intelligence and cognition

Expert systems, knowledge representation and reasoning; Reasoning techniques, constraint satisfaction and machine learning; Logic programming, fuzzy logic, neural networks, and uncertainty; State space search, ontologies and data mining; Games, planning and scheduling; Natural languages processing and advanced user interfaces; Cognitive, reactive and proactive systems; Ambient intelligence, perception and vision; Pattern recognition

AGENTS: Agent-based adaptive systems

Agent frameworks and development platforms; Agent models and architectures; Agent communication languages and protocols; Cooperation, coordination, and conversational agents; Group decision making and distributed problem solving; Mobile, cognitive and autonomous agents; Task planning and execution in multi-agent systems; Security, trust, reputation, privacy and safety in agent-based systems; Negotiation brokering and matchmaking in agent-oriented protocols; Web-oriented agents (mining, semantic discovery, navigation, etc.; SOA and software agents; Economic agent models and social adoption

AUTONOMY: Autonomous systems and autonomy-oriented computing

Self-organized intelligence nature-inspired thinking paradigms; Swarm intelligence and emergent behavior; Autonomy-oriented modeling and computation; Coordination, cooperation and collective group behavior; Agent-based complex systems modeling and development; Complex behavior aggregation and self-organization; Agent-based knowledge discovery and sharing; Autonomous and distributed knowledge systems; Autonomous knowledge via information agents; Ontology-based agent services; Knowledge evolution control and information filtering agents; Natural and social law discovery in multi-agent systems; Distributed problem solving in complex and dynamic environments; Auction, mediation, pricing, and agent-based market-places; Autonomous auctions and negotiations


Agent-oriented modeling and methodologies; Agent-based interaction protocols and cognitive architectures; Emotional modeling and quality of experience techniques; Agent-based assistants and e-health; Agent-based interfaces; Knowledge and data intensive classification systems; Agent-based fault-tolerance systems; Learning and self-adaptation via multi-agent systems; Task-based and task-oriented agent-based systems; Agent-based virtual enterprise; Embodied agents and agent-based systems applications; Agent-based perceptive animated interfaces; Agent-based social simulation; Socially planning; E-Technology agent-based ubiquitous services and systems

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