VII IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence, LA-CCI 2020. November 4 – 6, 2020 XVI IEEE Latin American Summer School on Computational Intelligence, EVIC 2020. November 2 – 4, 2020 Aula Magna – Universidad de La Frontera – Temuco. CHILE *********************************************************** PAPER SUBMISSION DEADLINE: MAY 29, 2020 *********************************************************** We are pleased to invite […]
Archive for March, 2020
FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS: VII IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence, LA-CCI 2020 .AND. XVI IEEE Latin American Summer School on Computational Intelligence, EVIC 2020 (CHILE)
Boost your EAI index by submitting to INISCOM 2020!
Web version August 27-28, 2020 | Hanoi, VietnamFull Submission Deadline: April 5, 2020 KEYNOTE SPEAKERS We are excited to announce the keynote speakers for Iniscom 2020: Dong-Seong Kim Kuhom National Institude of Technology, Korea Title: Reliability of Industrial Internet of Things Kazuo Sakiyama University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan sCOPE You are cordially invited to participate in […]
Presentation Options: COGNITIVE 2020 || July 26 – 30, 2020 – Nice, France
COGNITIVE 2020, The Twelfth International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications July 26, 2020 to July 30, 2020 – Nice, France Due to current international travel difficulties, the logistics offer alternative presentation options. This solution will cover the scenario where none of the authors are able attend. The following options are available for the […]
Taller de Analisis de Imagenes con Machine Learning
Taller de Análisis de Imágenes con Machine Learning (Intensivo) Fecha y hora: 19 y 20 de Marzo de 2020 – 9 a 16 hs Arancel (en pesos argentinos) Inscripción temprana (hasta el 12/03/2020) $4300 Inscripción tardía (desde el 13/03/2020) $4800 Descuento para socios de SADIO 50% La vacante se reserva con el pago del arancel […]
NUEVO POSGRADO- Especialización en Gestión de Proyectos de Software
Estimados, a través del presente brindamos información referente a la nueva Carrera de Posgrado "Especialización en Gestión de Proyectos de Software", aprobada por Res. CS N°366/19 y reconocida oficialmente por CONEAU, que se dictará en la Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología – UADER, Sede Concepción del Uruguay. En archivo adjunto se envía información sobre la misma. […]