Spreading the word about PLDI 2020 in Argentina

PLDI es una de las conferencias más prestigiosas de lenguajes de programación.
Típicamente para ver las charlas hay que no solo ir a la conferencia sino también pagar una buena suma de inscripción.
Este año es gratis. FECHA LIMITE 5 de Junio.
Esta es una oportunidad para ver “lo mejor de lo último” en estos temas, aprender algo y ver un poco como es la cúlminación de un esfuerzo grande de equipos de científicos en el area de lenguajes de programación.

This year’s ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI) is going to run as a virtual conference during 15-20 June.  Registration for the conference closes on 5 June, and registration is free.

We have an exciting program of technical papers, as well as “Ask Me Anything” sessions with 16 special guests, including Chris Lattner (founder of the LLVM project), Kathryn McKinley (a world leader in automated memory management techniques), Simon Peyton Jones (a major contributor to the Haskell language) and Bjarne Stroustrup (creator of C++).

You can see the complete program, and details on how to register, at the PLDI 2020 website: https://pldi20.sigplan.org/

The conference will be live-streamed on YouTube and there will be a dedicated Slack workspace to support interaction.  Joining instructions for YouTube and Slack will be provided after registration, and this video illustrates how the conference will work: https://youtu.be/cshVbS8-Vgw

We would like our virtual conference to reach the widest possible international audience, so please help us to spread the word!

I hope to see you at virtual PLDI in June!

Alastair Donaldson
PLDI 2020 General Chair

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