BDCC 2020 going virtual – Conference Big Data for Sustainable Cognitive Computing | Submit your paper and get more citations & extra exposure by presenting online to a global audience (December 18-19, 2020) Springer, Scopus, ISI, more

August 21st, 2020

Daniela Lopez de Luise
December 18 – 19, 2020 | Coimbatore, India Cyberspace Submission Deadline: September 21, 2020 (extended)
EAI is proud to announce that BDCC is going virtual and beyond borders.
Get the same full publication and indexing, enjoy EAI’s fair evaluation and recognition, present your paper to a global audience, and experience virtual meetings live as well as on-demand from the safety and comfort of your home.
BDCC 2020 will take place online due to safety concerns and travel restrictions caused by COVID-19. Although we will miss having everyone meet and connect in person, we feel strongly that knowledge exchange must continue, if not more so. That is why we have equipped our online conferences with live viewing with chat, virtual Q&A, and a multitude of other measures to provide you with a great experience. All of this while making the registration for co-authors and non-authors completely free to give you the biggest possible audience. You can learn more about EAI’s online conferences here.
BDCC 2020 conference focuses on big data paradigm is an interdisciplinary field bringing together computer science, mathematics, statistics and information theory to analyze data for interpretation and prediction. Big data research is characterized by voluminous and incremental datasets and complex data methods. The machine learning methods used in algorithm development are iterative and parallel. These methods can be scaled to handle big data using distributed and parallel computing technologies.
BDCC 2020 addresses the issues and challenges posed by several big data problems and give an overview of the state of the art and the future research opportunities.
We are pleased to invite you to submit your paper to BDCC 2020. Submissions should be in English, following the Springer formatting guidelines (see Submission).
All registered papers will be submitted for publishing by Springer and made available through SpringerLink Digital Library.
Proceedings will be submitted for inclusion in leading indexing services, Ei Compendex, ISI Web of Science, Scopus, CrossRef, Google Scholar, DBLP, as well as EAI’s own EU Digital Library (EUDL).
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version to:
All accepted authors are eligible to submit an extended version in a fast track of:
Additional publication opportunities:
Important dates
Full Paper Submission Deadline: September 21, 2020 (extended)
Notification Deadline: October 12, 2020
Camera-ready deadline: November 2, 2020
Conference dates: DECEMBER 18 – 19, 2020
BDCC 2020 will hold following international workshops, seeking high-quality original research papers:
Worshop on Big Data in Intelligent and Information Systems
Workshop on Smart Sensor Networks and Big Data Management
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When the upcoming event will held ? regards
you need to contact the organizers. We do not collaborate with them. We just promote the event as we receive the information.