Submit Abstract (free registration) to ROBOVIS 2020

Dear colleague,

Due to the current COVID-19 situation, the registration of accepted abstracts is free, entitling the authors to present their work and participate in all conference sessions.

If you are interested in submitting a paper abstract to ROBOVIS-2020 (International Conference on Robotics, Computer Vision and Intelligent Systems) in the following topic areas, there is still an open submission deadline on September 25 .

ROBOVIS is organized in 3 major tracks:
1 – Robotics
2 – Computer Vision
3 – Intelligent Systems

More information about the conference at

The Abstracts Track provides researchers and practitioners with a simple and concise, yet exciting and interactive, opportunity to present their research, case-studies, novel approaches, techniques or technologies to the conference audience. Authors who submit an abstract may include, as complementing material, a previously published paper or a video, which will be screened by a panel of experts including the conference and program chairs. Abstracts will be published in a book of abstracts, not in the proceedings.

Kind regards,
Andreia Pereira
ROBOVIS Secretariat

Address: Av. S. Francisco Xavier Lote 7 Cv. C, Setubal 2900-616, Portugal
Tel: +351 265 520 184

SCITEVENTS, Av. S. Francisco Xavier Lote 7 Cv. C, Setúbal, 2900-616, Portugal

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