Medical Informatics and Bio imaging using Artificial Intelligence: Challenges, Issues, Innovations and Recent Developments

Book Title:  

Medical Informatics and Bio imaging using Artificial Intelligence: Challenges, Issues, Innovations and Recent Developments  


Publication: Studies in Computational Intelligence by Springer            

with h-index = 62 (Indexing to Web of Science, EI-Compendex, DBLP, SCOPUS, Google Scholar and Springerlink)  


Aims and Scope 

Today Modern societies are witnessing an increase usage of technology in almost every domain. Healthcare is one big domain where the modern technologies are bringing a sea change and a paradigm shift in the way health care is planned, administered and implemented. Big data, networking, graphical interfaces, data mining, machine learning, pattern recognition and intelligent decision support systems are just a few of the technologies and research areas currently contributing to medical informatics. Mobility and ubiquity in healthcare systems, physiological and behavioural modelling, standardization of health records, procedures, and technologies, certification, privacy and security are some of the issues that medical informatics professionals and the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry and research community in general are addressing to further promote ICT in healthcare. The assistive technologies and home monitoring, applications of ICT have contributed greatly to the enhancement of quality of life and full integration of all citizens into society.  

Bio imaging is a term that covers the complex chain of acquiring, processing and visualizing structural or functional images of living objects or systems, including extraction and processing of image-related information. Examples of image modalities used in bio imaging are many, including: X-ray, CT, MRI and fMRI, PET and HRRT PET, SPECT, MEG and so on. Medical imaging and microscope/fluorescence image processing are important parts of bio imaging referring to the techniques and processes used to create images of the human body, anatomical areas, tissues, and so on, down to the molecular level, for clinical purposes, seeking to reveal, diagnose, or examine diseases, or medical science, including the study of normal anatomy and physiology. Both classic image processing methods (e.g. denoising, segmentation, deconvolution and registration methods, feature recognition and classification) and modern machine, in particular deep, learning techniques represent an indispensable part of bio imaging, as well as related data analysis and statistical tools. 

The trend is on the increase and we are for sure going to witness more automation & machine intelligence in the future. 

This book aims at emphasizing the latest developments & achievements in the field of Artificial Intelligence and related technologies with a special focus on sustainable development and eco-friendly AI applications. This book aims at emphasizing the latest developments & achievements in the field of Medical Informatics & Bio imaging using Artificial Intelligence and related technologies with a special focus on sustainable AI applications. The book will target high quality scientific articles (theory, practical including prototype & conceptualization of ideas, case studies and critical surveys) covering all aspects of AI for Sustainable Healthcare. 

Submission Guidelines 

Submitted manuscripts should conform to the standard guidelines of the Springer book chapter format. Manuscripts must be prepared using Latex, or MS Word. Prospective authors should submit their manuscripts electronically through easychair submission system or email through this email: [,, ] Submitted manuscripts will be refereed by at least two independent and expert reviewers for quality, correctness, originality, and relevance before being accepted for publication. 

a. Submitted manuscripts should conform to the standard guidelines of the Springer book chapter format. Manuscripts must be prepared using Latex, or Word, and according to the Springer svmlt template that can be downloaded from the (link) and the Chapter should contain in between 20-25 pages. Manuscripts that do not follow the formatting rules will be ignored. Prospective authors should send their manuscripts electronically through the easychair submission system as mentioned below: 


b. There is no submission or publication fee 

c. Conference paper may be extended to be a chapter provided extension is more than 40% from the original conference paper 

d. Chapters not conforming to the above mentioned guidelines shall not be considered for review purpose 

The accepted contributions will be published in Studies in Computational Intelligence by Springer. 

List of Topics 

The readers are expected to gain knowhow on state-of-the art research challenges, results, architecture, applications, and other achievements in the following topics, but not limited to: 

  • Emerging and innovative technologies for next generation AI based Smart healthcare (architecture & framework in smart healthcare, sensor driven smarter health analytics, Medical Image Processing Methods) 
  • Implementation of AI based sustainable development goals in Bio-imaging (medical service centric architectures, algorithms for smart coordination & diagnostics, application development platform, storage & services frameworks, deployment tools and architectures, measurement and evaluation of sustainable development in healthcare) 
  • Feature Recognition and Extraction Methods (handling medical image data and analytics, image fusion methods) 
  • Applications of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Bio imaging (intelligent patient monitoring & surveillance, intelligent tools for smart healthcare, Robotic Process Automation in Healthcare, personalised medicines, tele-medicines, infrastructure development, technology driven hospital emissions and waste management, impact of smart healthcare practices in modern societies) 
  • Medical Imaging and Diagnosis (tools and novel AI based methods & approaches to analyse Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT), Positron Emission Tomography (PET), High Resolution Research Tomography (HRRT), Magnetoencephalography (MEG), Ultrasound and Optical Imaging, X-ray Microscopy, Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) datasets, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI) data analysis using AI, ML and deep learning) 
  • Case Studies and Best Practices (government policy and regulations, privacy and data protection, futuristic tools and software with case studies) 

Publication Details 

The book publication schedule is as follows: 

Deadline for paper submission       : January 30, 2021 

First round notification                February 15, 2021 

Camera-ready submission               : March 25, 2021 

Publication date                          : 3rd quarter of 2021 


All questions about submissions should be emailed to the Volume Editors as given below: 

  • Aboul Ella Hassanien, Cairo Univesrity, Egypt  


  • Roheet Bhatnagar, Manipal University Jaipur, Rajasthan, India  


  • Mahmoud Y. Shams, Kafrelsheikh University, Egypt  




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