CAIP 2021 – Call for Papers



Call for Papers

Previous conferences were held in Salerno, Ystad, Valletta, York, Seville, Münster, Vienna, Paris, etc. The scientific program of the conference will consist of plenary lectures and contributed papers presented in a single track. Poster presentations will allow expert discussions of specialized research topics.

Furthermore, CAIP 2021 will feature contests and tutorials preceding the main conference event, as well as workshops following the main conference event. CAIP 2021 will also host a student’s paper competition.

Fields of Interest

The conference invites novel contributions to the automatic analysis of images and patterns, encompassing both new challenging application areas and substantial new theoretical developments in the field.

  • 3D Vision
  • Biomedical image and pattern analysis
  • Biometrics
  • Brain – inspired methods
  • Computer Vision Accelerators
  • Deep Learning
  • Document analysis
  • Egocentric Vision
  • Face and gestures
  • Feature Extraction
  • Graph-based methods
  • High – dimensional topology methods
  • Human pose estimation
  • Image restoration
  • Image/video indexing & retrieval
  • Keypoint detection
  • Machine learning for image and pattern analysis
  • Mobile multimedia
  • Model-based vision
  • Motion and tracking
  • Object recognition
  • Segmentation
  • Shape representation and analysis
  • Vision for robotics / drones/ UAVs

Special Research Award

CAIP 2021 will give a special research award for the best paper of the conference associated to COVID-19 research, in order to honor those who have lost their lives and the heroes and the volunteers associated to the COVID-19 crisis.


General Chairs

Constantinos S. Pattichis
CYENS & University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Andreas Lanitis
CYENS & Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus

Nicolai Petkov
University of Groningen, Netherlands

Program Chairs

Nicolas Tsapatsoulis
Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus

Andreas Panayides
University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Theo Theocharides
KIOS & University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Mario Vento
University of Salerno, Italy  


Constantinos S. Pattichis
CYENS & University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Constandinos Mavromoustakis
IEEE Cyprus Section & University of Nicosia Research Foundation, Cyprus

Alexis Polycarpou
IET Cyprus

Toumazis Toumazi
Cyprus Computer Society

Important Dates

Tutorial/ Workshop proposal submission
01 March 2021

Tutorial/ Workshop acceptance notification
15 March 2021

Paper Submission
01 April 2021

Author notification
15 June 2021

Camera-ready paper due
01 July 2021

Early bird registration
31 July 2021


For Academic Enquiries please contact:

Prof. Constantinos S. Pattichis

For Local Arrangements, Accommodation and Registration Information:

Easy Conferences

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