18th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications


18th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications

New Submission Deadline: March 08, 2021

http://www.sigmap.org ;

July 06 – 08, 2021

Online Streaming

Due to many requests, the regular papers submission deadline of this
conference has been extended.

The purpose of SIGMAP 2021, the International Conference on Signal Processing
and Multimedia Applications, is to bring together researchers, engineers and
practitioners interested on information systems and applications, including
theory and practice in various heterogeneous and interrelated fields including
image, video and audio data processing, new sources of multimodal data (text,
social, health, etc.) and Multimedia Applications related to representation,
storage, authentication and communication of multimedia information.
Multimedia is a research field that includes computing methods in which
different modalities are integrated and combined, with the aim to take
advantage from each data source.

SIGMAP is organized in 6 major tracks:

1 – Multimedia Networking and Communication

2 – Multimedia Signal Processing

3 – Multimedia Systems and Applications

4 – Multimedia and Deep Learning

5 – Multimedia Indexing and Retrieval

6 – Social Multimedia

Conference Chair(s)

Andrew Sung, University of Southern Mississippi, United States

Program Chair(s)

Simone Santini, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

With the presence of internationally distinguished keynote speakers:

Amarnath Gupta, University of California San Diego, United States

Henning Schulzrinne, Columbia University, United States

Proceedings will be submitted for indexation by:


Google Scholar

The DBLP Computer Science Bibliography

Semantic Scholar

Microsoft Academic

Engineering Index (EI)

Web of Science / Conference Proceedings Citation Index

A short list of presented papers will be selected so that revised and extended
versions of these papers will be published by Springer in a CCIS Series book.

Also, a short list of best papers will be invited for a post-conference
special issue of the Springer Nature Computer Science journal.

All papers presented at the conference venue will also be available at the
SCITEPRESS Digital Library.

Kind regards,

Mónica Saramago

SIGMAP Secretariat

Address: Av. S. Francisco Xavier Lote 7 Cv. C, Setubal 2900-616, Portugal

Tel: +351 265 520 185

Web: http://www.sigmap.org

e-mail: sigmap.secretariat@insticc.org

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