CallParticipation: ImageCLEF Social Media User Data Awareness Task


Images constitute a large part of the content shared on social networks. Their disclosure is often related to a particular context and users are often unaware of the fact that, depending on their privacy status, images can be accessible to third parties and be used for purposes which were initially unforeseen. For instance, it is common practice for employers to search information about their future employees, online.

Most existing approaches which propose feedback about shared data focus on inferring user characteristics, and their practical utility is rather limited. We hypothesize that user feedback would be more efficient if conveyed through the real-life effects of data sharing.

The objective of the task is to automatically score user photographic profiles in a series of situations with strong impact on her/his life.

*** TASK ***
Given a set of social media user profiles, participants will propose machine learning techniques which provide a ranking of these in various (unaware) usage situations.

*** DATA SET ***
A data set of 500 user profiles with 100 photos per profile was created and annotated with an appeal score for a series of real-life situations via crowdsourcing. User profiles are created by repurposing a subset of the YFCC100M dataset. In accordance with GDPR, data minimization is applied, and participants receive only the information necessary to carry out the task in an anonymized form. Resources
include: (i) anonymized visual concept ratings for each situation modeled; (ii) automatically extracted predictions for the images that compose the profiles.

*** METRICS ***
The correlation with the ground truth will be measured using Pearson's correlation coefficient. The final score of each participating team will be obtained by averaging correlations obtained for individual situations.

– Task registration opens: November 16, 2020
– Development data release: February 15, 2021
– Test data release: March 15, 2021
– Run submission: May 10, 2021
– Working notes submission: May 28, 2021
– CLEF 2021 conference: September 21-24, Bucharest, Romania

*** REGISTER ***

Adrian Popescu, CEA LIST, France
Jérôme Deshayes-Chossart, CEA LIST, France Bogdan Ionescu, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania

On behalf of the Organizers,
Bogdan Ionescu

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