The Twenty Seventh International DMS Conference on Visualization and Visual Languages

DMSVIVA2021 Call For Papers


The Twenty Seventh International DMS Conference on

Visualization and Visual Languages

KSIR Virtual Conference Center, Pittsburgh, USA

June 29-30, 2021

Organized by

KSI Research, USA


Virtual Conference:

The DMSVIVA2021 conference will be held as a Virtual conference, similar to last year's conference.


Main Theme of Conference:

The main theme of the 27th International DMS Conference on Visualization and Visual Languages (DMSVIVA2021) is Extreme Visual Languages, which are visual languages that can communicate an integrated/holistic meaning of an application, a philosophy or even the entire spatial/temporal dimensions of a universe in a single or a few visual expressions.  An example is the aliens' visual language in the movie “The Arrival” where each visual sentence expresses the continuum of space and time.  Another example is a visual diagram illustrating the spread of Covid-19 in the world. A third example is the Ying/Yang icon that appears in the national flag of the Republic of Korea (and many other places).  A fourth example is the red flag. A natural extension to include sound and other media leads to Extreme Multimedia Languages. Papers are solicited on extreme visual and multimedia languages, both abbreviated as XVLs, including empirical and comparative studies of existing XVLs and the investigation of syntax, semantics, dynamics and application integration of existing and/or new XVLs and related topics. The conference organizers seek contributions of high quality papers, panels or tutorials, addressing any novel aspect of sentient multimedia systems that significantly benefits from the incorporation and/or integration of multimedia data (e.g., visual, audio, pen, voice, image, etc.), especially in visual languages and distance education technologies, for presentation at the conference and publication in the proceedings.


Selected Papers of DMSVIVA2021 will be published in special issue of JVLC.


Co-Located Virtual Conference:

The Int’l Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE2021) will also be held as a virtual conference from July 1 to July 10, 2021. Please see:

Authors are welcome to attend both conferences for a single registration fee (conference attendance only).


Topics include but are not limited to:

Extreme Visual Languages

Extreme Multimedia Languages

Distributed and Sentient Multimedia Technology

Distributed and Sentient Multimedia Systems

Applications of Distributed and Sentient Multimedia Systems

Visual Languages and Applications

Distributed Education Technologies 

Information for authors:

Papers must be written in English. An electronic version (PDF format) of the full paper should be submitted using the following URL:


When submitting, select the main conference DMSVIIVA2021. Manuscript must include a 200-word abstract and no more than 8 pages of double column text (including figures and references). All submissions must not be published or under consideration for publication in a journal or in a conference with proceedings. Papers will be evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness and clarify of exposition. Depending upon the results of evaluation a paper may be accepted as regular paper (10 pages), short paper (7 pages) or technical notes (1 page and demo/poster presentation).


Contact Information:

DMSVIVA2021 Conference Secretariat
KSI Research
156 Park Square, Pittsburgh, PA 15238, USA

Important dates

Paper submission due: April 1, 2021

Notification of acceptance: April 30, 2021

Camera-ready copy of revised paper: May 31, 2021

Early conference registration due: May 31, 2021

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