Archive for March 30th, 2021
LCN 2021, 46th annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks; Paper Registration by May 1st, 2021; Submission by May 8th, 2021

Live e-Lecture by Prof. LP Morency: ‘Multimodal AI: Understanding Human Behaviors’, 6th April 2021 17:00-18:00 CET. Upcoming AIDA AI excellence lectures

Prof. LP Morency (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh), a prominent AI researcher internationally, will deliver the e-lecture: ‘Multimodal AI: Understanding Human Behaviors’, on Tuesday 6th April 2021 17:00-18:00 CET (8:00-9:00 am PST), (12:00 am-1:00am CST), see details in: http://www.i-aida.org/ai-lectures/ You can join for free using the zoom link: https://authgr.zoom.us/j/94136791572 The International AI Doctoral Academy […]
Special issue on deep learning from aerial image

Call for papers in Remote Sensing. Special issue: Object Detection from Aerial and Space Platforms Using Deep Learning Methods. Topics: Object detection methods. Object change detection and monitoring methods. High-quality datasets for object detection and identification. Transfer learning methods. Image segmentation methods. Object detection and identification using multi-source and multi-modal data. Similarity search methods. Space […]
Curso a Distancia: Riesgo eléctrico y Seguridad aplicada a la Operación y el mantenimiento de instalaciones de baja, media y alta tensión.

Ver este correo electrónico en tu navegador Riesgo eléctrico y Seguridad aplicada a la Operación y el mantenimiento de instalaciones de baja, media y alta tensión. Curso de Capacitación a Distancia vía Web, Modalidad On line en Vivo 17 al 28 de Mayo de 2021. Inscripción Abierta. OBJETIVOS El objetivo general será desarrollar habilidades entre […]
Special issue on robotic mobile manipulation

Call for papers in Electronics. Special issue: Advances in Robotic Mobile Manipulation Topics: -Location of objectives for grasping. -Road and trajectory planning to reach the handling areas. -Sensing and planning in object manipulation. -Piloting, orientation, and stabilization of the autonomous vehicle during handling. -Grasping stability assessment using tactile perception, visual perception, or both. -Control strategies for […]