Special Issue on Machine Learning for Multimedia Communications

You are cordially invited to submit your latest research results to
MDPI Sensors special issue on “Machine Learning for Multimedia Communications”
Submission Deadine
15 April 2021
Call For Papers
Despite the recent advances of 5G and beyond systems and multimedia coding techniques, the increasing demand for ubiquitous delivery of high-quality multimedia data ranging from high resolution video to immersive applications including AR/VR/MR continues to pose significant challenges for existing multimedia coding techniques and communication platforms that struggle to deal with the stringent requirements for low latency, high bandwidth, and ultra reliability. Machine learning has recently attracted significant attention from the multimedia community as the key enabler towards designing and building more reliable, efficient, and scalable multimedia communication systems. This Special Issue will publish the latest research and findings in machine learning enabled multimedia coding and communication systems for improved resilience, efficient coding, and reduced latency.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
   Machine learning for image/video communications
   Machine learning for immersive communications
   Machine learning for resource allocation in multimedia communications
   Rate control for machine learning based video coding
   Machine learning for image/video coding
   Machine learning for network orchestration in multimedia applications
   Machine learning-based multimedia quality assessment
   Machine learning for multimedia enabled IoT
   Machine learning assisted cloud/edge/fog management for multimedia applications
Guest Editors
Nikolaos Thomos, University of Essex, UK
Eirina Bourtsoulatze, University of Essex, UK

Dr Nikolaos Thomos
Reader (Associate Professor)
CSEE Deputy Director of Research
University of Essex,
Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Department
Colchester, United Kingdom
Tel: 0044 (0) 1206872404

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