CFP IEEE Latin American Robotics Symposium (LARS 2021) and Brazilian Symposium of Robotics (SBR 2021)

IEEE Latin American Robotics Symposium (LARS 2021) and Brazilian
Symposium of Robotics (SBR 2021)


The IEEE LARS and SBR (Latin American Robotics Symposium/Brazilian
Robotics Symposium) aim at promoting a comprehensive scientific meeting
in the area of Intelligent Robotics, bringing together researchers,
undergraduate and graduate students of Computer Science, Electrical
Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Computer Engineering, and related

The event will happen through technical sessions on the web, including
oral (or video) presentations of full papers and webinars featuring
technical lectures of recognized importance in the area (to be defined).

The LARS/SBR and its associated scientific events are the primary
scientific/academic meetings of a larger event that brings relevant
robotics developments, named ROBÓTICA 2021. That also comprises the
LARC/CBR (Latin American Robotics Competition / Brazilian Robotics
Competition), OBR (Brazilian Robotics Olympiad), MNR (National Robotics
Fair), besides the LARS/SBR, WRE (Workshop of Robotics in Education),
and WTDR / CTDR (Workshop on MSc Dissertation and Ph.D. Thesis in
Robotics and Best MSc Dissertation and Ph.D. Thesis Contest in Robotics ).

It will be a Virtual Conference from October 11th to 15th, 2021


Papers must be written in English and must not exceed six (6) pages in
standard IEEE format, including title, abstract, tables, figures, and
references. Papers should present new solid results in theoretical,
empirical, and applied research related to the conference topics. This
year the reviewing process will be DOUBLE BLINDED, so authors must hide
their names, contact information, acknowledgments, and any other
reference in the text to where their research takes place.

Templates: (set to A4 format)



Accepted papers will be available at IEEE Xplore.
A selected number of outstanding papers will be invited to submit
extended versions to a Special Issue of JINT (Journal of Intelligent &
Robotics Systems), Impact factor 2.259.


  Vision in robotics and automation;
  Symbol mediated robot behavior control;
  Sensory mediated robot behavior control;
  Active sensory processing and control;
  Industrial applications of autonomous systems;
  Sensor modeling and data interpretation e.g. models and software for
sensor data integration, 3D scene analysis, environment description and
modeling, pattern recognition;
  Robust techniques in AI and sensing e.g. uncertainty modeling,
graceful degradation of systems;
  Robot programming e.g. on-line and off-line programming, discrete
event dynamical systems, fuzzy logic;
  Multi-Robot and Multi-Agents, Cooperation and Collaboration;
  CAD-based robotics e.g. CAD-based vision, reverse engineering;
  Robot simulation and visualization tools;
  Tele-operated and autonomous systems;
  Microelectromechanical robots;
  Robot modeling;
  Robot control architectures;
  Robot planning, reasoning, communication, adaptation, and learning;
  Robotic Manipulators;
  Robot soccer;
  Evolutionary robotics;
  Bio-Inspired robotics;
  Robots for robotic surgery and rehabilitation;
  Micro/nano-robotics, new Devices, and materials for robots;
  Human-Robot Interaction and Interfaces;
  Robotics and Education;
  Sensor Networks, architectures of embedded Hardware and software;
  Self-Localization, Mapping and Navigation;
  Multi-robot systems;
  Aerial vehicles;
  Autonomous vehicles;
  Mobile robot platforms;
  Service robots and entertainment robots;
  Underwater robots;


Paper registration                    April 23th, 2021
Manuscript submission             July 17th, 2021
Notification of Acceptance      August 30th, 2021
Camera Ready Submission     September 13th, 2021

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