Call for Papers ETCM 2021

May 11th, 2021

Daniela Lopez de Luise
IEEE Ecuador Section have the privilege to introduce the 5th IEEE Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting, an online event of great importance, that aims to provide a comprehensive and highly prestigious venue for academics, engineers and researchers in particular from Ecuador Technical Chapters fields of expertise, which will be held on October 12-15th, 2021
IMPORTANT DATES Papers Submission:
15 June 2021
Notification of Acceptance:
15 July 2021
Papers Submission:
15 June 2021
Camera Ready Submissions:
15 August 2021
- Systems and Control
- Industrial Electronics
- Power and Energy
- Engineering in Medicine and Biology
- Robotics and Automation Systems
- Circuits, Systems and Electron Devices
- Computational Intelligence
- Smart Mobility
- Education in Engineering
- Computer and Software Engineering
- Communications
- Social Issues and Professional Practice
Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting 2021
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