IEEE Latincom 2021
The IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM) is an international conference organized by the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Latin America Region. IEEE LATINCOM is the most important conference on communications in Latin America; it is held annually and attracts submissions and participants from all around the world. This event will be an excellent opportunity to join together professors, researchers, industry and students.
This year, the 13th edition of the conference, LATINCOM 2021, will be held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. A premier tourist destination, Santo Domingo is one of the most modern and dynamic metropolises in the Caribbean. It is a welcoming city where the old and the new converge seamlessly— from centuries old architecture and history to modern business districts, energetic cultural events, and a booming gastronomic scene.
We look forward to meeting you at Santo Domingo!
COVID-19 Update / Hybrid Conference Format:
Due to the on-going COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting travel restrictions, the conference will be in the form of a hybrid conference with some authors and participants attending the conference in person, and others attending remotely. The technical program will include physical sessions with on-site presentations and virtual (on-line) sessions for remote participants.
For more information access LATINCOM website here: Welcome – IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (ieee-latincom.org)