Scopus Indexed: 2nd International Conference on ETCCS [ INDO-POLAND CONFERENCE] Publication: LNEE, Springer

May 13th, 2021

Daniela Lopez de Luise
Scopus Indexed: 2nd International Conference on ETCCS [ INDO-POLAND CONFERENCE] Publication: LNEE, Springer
Dear Professor's/Researchers Greetings! We are happy to inform you that the 2nd International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Computing, Communication and Smart Cities [INDO-POLAND CONFERENCE] is planned between 21st to 22nd August 2021, and proceedings are approved from the LNEE, Springer (Scopus Indexed). SUBMISSION: PUBLICATION: All accepted papers will be published in LNEE, Springer (Approved). Series Indexed by SCOPUS. # Plagiarism free only. IMPORTANT DATES Deadline: 15 May, 2021 Acceptance: 15th June, 2021 Registration: 20 July, 2021 Website:
We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions. A detailed CFP is attached for your reference. First Volume Published from LNEE, Springer and Indexed by Scopus.

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