ICRIC-2021 (8th to 9th June, 2021) Call for Papers 4th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Computing [ INDO-HUNGARY CONFERENCE] |
Publication: LNEE, Springer (Scopus) The Series is Indexed by SCOPUS and other databases. |
The 4th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Computing (ICRIC-2021) will be held on 8th – 9th June, 2021 in Online Mode ( Due to Pandemic). The aim is provide an opportunity to research scholars, academicians, industrialists and students to interact and share their experience and knowledge in the recent technological advancements in the field of Computer Science & Information Technology. TRACKS:- Original unpublished papers are invited.
- Advanced Computing
- Intelligent Networking
- Image Processing & Computer Vision
- E-Learning, Cloud and Big Data
- Security and Privacy
- Digital India
CONFERENCE GENERAL CHAIR Dr. Yashwant Singh, Head & Associate Professor, Department of CS & IT, Central University of Jammu, J & K, India Dr. Zoltán Horváth, Professor & Dean, Faculty of Informatics, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary CONFERENCE PUBLICATION CHAIR Dr. Illés Zoltán, Associate Professor, Faculty of Informatics, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest, Hungary Dr. Pradeep Kumar Singh, Professor, ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad, U.P., India Use Either of (Easychair or OCS, Springer) SUBMISSION: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icric2021 OCS Springer, Submission System:- https://ocs.springer.com/misc/home/ICRIC2021 |
PUBLICATION: All accepted papers# will be published in LNEE, Springer (Approved). Series Indexed by SCOPUS. # Plagiarism free only. |
IMPORTANT DATES Deadline: 20th May, 2021 Acceptance: 30th May, 2021 Registration: 5th June, 2021 |
Published Proceedings by Springer LNEE (Already Indexed in SCOPUS) ICRIC-2019 ICRIC-2020  |
CONTACT:- icric2018@gmail.com Website: http://icric-2018.com/vol-2.php For query from ELTE: chaman@inf.elte.hu |
REGISTRATION: Students: Rs 4000/- per paper Academicians: Rs 4500/- per paper Industry: Rs 5000/- per paper Foreign Nationals: EURO 100/- per paper ELTE Faculty/ Staff: EURO 60-/ per paper |