Dear Colleagues, We invite you to participate in the first Scan-to-BIM challenge focused on key problems when converting 3D point cloud data obtained using lidar, photogrammetry, or depth map cameras to Building Information Models (BIMs). For maintenance, retrofitting, or renovation AEC entities could greatly benefit from access to BIMs of their facilities. Furthermore, asset owners […]
Archive for May 19th, 2021
RVSU CVPR’21 Workshop Call for Papers (Tracking and Video Understanding). Deadline June 4th.

RVSU Workshop: The RVSU workshop ( is putting out a call for submission track papers ( on Tracking and Video Understanding. The deadline for paper submissions is June 4. Papers are restricted to 4 pages to not prevent simultaneous submission at full conferences. We are looking forward to accepting interesting work about Tracking, Video Segmentation […]
CFP: AIMLSystems2021

Please find below the Call for Papers for the AIML Systems 2021 Conference. Looking forward to receiving your submissions.
The ROAD Challenge @ ICCV 2021

The ROAD Challenge: Event Detection for Situation Awareness in Autonomous Driving Call for participation Aim of the Challenge The accurate detection and anticipation of actions performed by multiple road agents (pedestrians, vehicles, cyclists and so on) is a crucial task to address for enabling autonomous vehicles to make autonomous decisions in a safe, reliable […]
Curso a Distancia: Formación profesional para personal de operación y mantenimiento de equipamiento eléctrico de baja, media y alta tensión.

Formación profesional para personal de operación y mantenimiento de equipamiento eléctrico de baja, media y alta tensión. Curso de Capacitación a Distancia vía Web, Modalidad Online en Vivo de 9 a 11 hs (hora de Argentina) 14 al 25 de Junio de 2021. Inscripción Abierta. OBJETIVOS Conocer y analizar aspectos relacionados al equipamiento de baja, […]