Extended paper submission 12th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA2021): https://www.isispa.org/ 13-15th September 2021, Zagreb, Croatia Special session Announcement We are organizing a special session on automated analysis of the nondestructive evaluation data at the 12th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2021). The symposium will be […]
Archive for May 21st, 2021
Call for papers in a special session: “Analyzing nondestructive evaluation data. Is it automated yet?” – ISPA2021

ICCV 2021 Workshop: 2nd Autonomous Vehicle Vision (AVVision)

[CfP] ICCV 2021 Workshop: 2nd Autonomous Vehicle Vision (AVVision) The 2nd Autonomous Vehicle Vision (AVVision) Workshop aims to bring together industry professionals and academics to brainstorm and exchange ideas on the advancement of computer vision techniques for autonomous driving. In this one-day workshop, we will have seven keynote talks and regular paper presentations (oral […]
Last call: Invitation to join 2021 Spring School ‘CVML Short Course – Computer Vision for Autonomous Systems’, 26-27th May 2021 (6th edition)

you are welcomed to register in this CVML Short e-course on ‘Computer Vision for Autonomous Systems’, 26–27th May 2021: https://icarus.csd.auth.gr/spring-cvml-short-course-computer-vision-for-autonomous-systems/ It will take place as a two-day e-course (due to COVID-19 circumstances), hosted by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Thessaloniki, Greece, providing a series of live lectures delivered through a tele-education platform. They will […]
DSEC Competition – Disparity/Depth prediction from Event Cameras for Driving Scenarios – Deadline 11th June

We are hosting a CVPR2021 workshop competition on Disparity/Depth prediction from Event data for urban driving scenarios! The goal is to estimate dense disparity from stereo event cameras and stereo global shutter cameras in the event camera frame: https://dsec.ifi.uzh.ch/cvprw-2021-competition/ The deadline for the final submission is the 11th of June, 2021 (11:59 PM Pacific Time). […]
Topical Collection on Neural Computing for IOT based Intelligent Healthcare Systems in Neural Computing and Applications

] Topical Collection on Neural Computing for IOT based Intelligent Healthcare Systems (https://www.springer.com/journal/521/updates/17961480) Scope Internet of things (IoT) is a dynamic network of sensors, cloud storage and multiple embedded electronic devices connected with each other through network connectivity for exchange of data. IoT is bringing paradigm shift in field of intelligent systems as multiple connected […]