Call For Papers 10th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS) Online Event November 29 – December 03, 2021 >>>> Deadline for paper submissions: June 20, 2021 (extended) <<<< >>>> CALL FOR PAPERS <<<< The Program Committee of the 10th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent System (BRACIS) invites submissions of original research papers for the conference […]
Archive for May 25th, 2021
Book chapter “Large Scale Neuroevolution – on Swarm and Evolutionary Computing Approaches to Deep Learning

Dear Colleagues/Researcher I would like to invite you to do submission for our upcoming editing book titled Large Scale Neuroevolution – on Swarm and Evolutionary Computing Approaches to Deep Learning Springer will publish the book on the Studies in Computational Intelligence series The series is Indexing to Web of Science, EI-Compendex, DBLP, SCOPUS, Google […]
First International Workshop on Computational Machine Ethics- Call for Papers (Deadline 2 July 2021)

;text-indent:0px;text-transform:none;white-space:normal;word-spacing:0px;text-decoration:none”>__Maurice Pagnucco Deputy Dean (Education), UNSW EngineeringDeputy Director, Creative Robotics LaboratoryPLuS Alliance FellowProfessorial Fellow, UNSW iCinema Centre for Interactive Cinema ResearchUNSW Sydney Dean’s Unit, Faculty of EngineeringLevel 6, Building K17UNSW SYDNEY 2052 E:, Assistant: Rachel Lewis E:
CALL FOR NOMINATIONS – 2021 PAMI Everingham Prize Award

CALL FOR NOMINATIONS – 2021 PAMI Everingham Prize Award This annual award is given to a researcher, or a team of researchers, who have made a selfless contribution of significant benefit to other members of the computer vision community. The award is given out by the IEEE Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI) Technical Committee, […]
23 positions available to study The Adaptive Mind

The Universities of Giessen, Marburg, and Darmstadt together with the University of Frankfurt and the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS) aim strategically to further strengthen research in the field of Mind, Brain, and Behavior by establishing a cluster project The Adaptive Mind. Supported by the Hessen State Ministry for Higher Education, Research and the […]