You are invited to publish alongside your colleagues
June 22nd, 2021
Daniela Lopez de Luise
Biomimetic Intelligence and Robotics
Call for Papers: New Journal Biomimetic Intelligence and Robotics |
An official Journal of the Shandong University
Biomimetic Intelligence and Robotics (BIROB) publishes original, high-quality, peer-reviewed theoretical and applied research achievements and review articles in the fields of robotics, biomimetics, artificial intelligence, and the innovative integration of them.
Why publish in Biomimetic Intelligence and Robotics?
For all articles submitted, Shandong University will cover the OA fee. Authors do not have to pay any open access publication fee.
As active researchers in their fields, our reviewers and editors bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to your submission
Your article will be published on ScienceDirect, where it can be found and read by more than 18 million users per month
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