Extensión Universitaria Webinar: “Rompiendo mitos. Mujeres líderes en el Sector Informático y Fintech” Ciclo: Mujeres en ciencia, tecnología e innovación productiva y social. Viernes 02 de julio De 18:00 a 19:30 Hs. Modalidad online. Actividad gratuita. Dirigido a: Estudiantes, […]
Archive for June, 2021
“Rompiendo mitos. Mujeres líderes en el Sector Informático y Fintech”

CFP PE-WASUN 2021: Extended Deadline: June 30th, 2020

**************************************************************************************** C a l l F o r P a p e r s ACM(*) PE-WASUN 2021 18th ACM(*) International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Wireless Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Ubiquitous Networks (Jointly with the 24th ACM(*) MSWiM Conference) http://pewasun.upc.edu/PEWASUN2021 (*) ACM sponsored pending Alicante, Spain. November 22nd– 26th, 2021 ********************** Scope […]
Call for workshop proposals

[CVML]CALL FOR WORKSHOP PROPOSALS – WACV 2022 http://wacv2022.thecvf.com/ We invite workshop proposals for the 2022 IEEE Winter Conference of Applications on Computer Vision (WACV 2022). WACV 2022 will be held as an in-person conference with associated in-person workshops in Waikoloa, Hawaii, January 4-8, 2022. The workshop proposals should focus on topics related to computer vision […]
Special Issue “Application of Machine-Learning in Computer Vision”

Machine learning (ML) deals with the specified algorithms that make the computer system capable of learning from the experience without being explicitly programmed. This domain comes under the umbrella of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and it is widely used in a range of disciplines namely, computer vision, medical diagnosis, image processing, signal processing and, robot control. […]
First International Workshop on Computational Machine Ethics- Call for Papers (Deadline 2 July 2021)

;text-indent:0px;text-transform:none;white-space:normal;word-spacing:0px;text-decoration:none”>__Maurice Pagnucco Deputy Dean (Education), UNSW EngineeringDeputy Director, Creative Robotics LaboratoryPLuS Alliance FellowProfessorial Fellow, UNSW iCinema Centre for Interactive Cinema ResearchUNSW Sydney Dean’s Unit, Faculty of EngineeringLevel 6, Building K17UNSW SYDNEY 2052 E: morri@cse.unsw.edu.au, m.pagnucco@unsw.edu.auW: unsw.edu.auExecutive Assistant: Rachel Lewis E: rachel.lewis@unsw.edu.au CRICOS Provider Code 00098G