4th International Workshop on Small-drone Surveillance, Detection and Counteraction Techniques

*** 4th International Workshop on Small-drone Surveillance, Detection and Counteraction Techniques (WOSDETC) *** 
http://wosdetc2021.wordpress.com in conjunction with the 17th IEEE Advanced Video and Signal-based Surveillance (AVSS) conference, November 16-25 2021, Virtual

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The workshop is connected to the “Drone-vs-Bird Detection” challenge
based on a dataset of video sequences provided upon request.
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The WOSDETC workshop aims at bringing together researchers from both academia and industry, to share recent advances in the field of small-drone surveillance, detection and counteraction techniques.

In the last few years the popularity of small Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) and more generally (also autonomous) “drones”, has exponentially increased due to the availability of low-cost off-the-shelf products, including build-from-scratch and DIY kits. At the same time, issues regarding safety, privacy and security aspects are arising. There is indeed a gap in current surveillance systems for the detection of such flying systems, which can be used for illegal activities such as smuggling of drugs or espionage, as well as for carrying explosives or chemical weapons. Their low cost and very small radar signature is making them, unfortunately, a favourite platform for terrorists. Several surveillance and detection technologies are under investigation at the moment, including LIDAR, passive acoustic sensors, passive radio detection and video analytics. However, several challenges must be faced to lower the probability of false alarm, increase the surveillance range and detection rate, as well as to promptly put into action the most appropriate countermeasures according to the operating scenario.

Research papers are solicited in, but not limited to, the following topics:
– dim target detection
– surveillance systems for small drones
– radar techniques for drone detection
– visible, infrared, SWIR, and gated camera solutions for small drone surveillance
– video analytics for detection and classification of small targets
– data fusion approaches for detection performance enhancement
– GPS spoofing and anti-spoofing techniques
– advanced control techniques to prevent drone misuse
– data link security for remote control of drones
– low-risk countermeasures for drones

Authors of the best papers will be invited to submit an extended version to the special issue “Deep Learning Based UAV Detection, Classification, and Tracking” of the MDPI Sensors journal.
Workshop Paper Submission:  September 4th, 2021
Workshop Author Notification: September 10th, 2021
Challenge Submission deadline: September 4th, 2021
Challenge Author notification: September 10th, 2021
Camera-Ready: September 15th, 2021

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Chair: Angelo Coluccia, Department of Innovation Engineering, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy (angelo.coluccia@unisalento.it)

Technical co-chairs
Alessio Fascista, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy
Arne Schumann, Fraunhofer Institute, Karlsruhe, Germany
Lars Sommer, Fraunhofer Institute, Karlsruhe, Germany

Anastasios Dimou, CERTH, Greece (dimou@iti.gr)
Dimitrios Zarpalas, CERTH, Greece (zarpalas@iti.gr)
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